Chapter 13 - The Pictures

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The next morning I gotta get up early because it's another work day. Kai's training is later and so I get out of bed without waking him. For a moment I watch him sleep, he looks so cute and peaceful, then I take my clothes and enter the bathroom. I get in the shower and turn it on. I just love Kai's shower. It's big and light and you feel like you aren't in a shower. It's more like you're being on the outside whilst it's raining. But with warm water. An absolute dream. That's why I shower unusually long, I just have to enjoy this wonderful place and the hot water that runs down my body. Unfortunately I can't stay for too long because I still wanna eat something and I gotta take the tube to work. I get out of the shower, wrap a towel around my body and then blow dry my hair before braiding it. I next put on my clothes, do some skincare and my make up and brush my teeth. As I'm done with all that I enter the kitchen. I open the fridge and see some buns that I just have to put in the oven for ten minutes. Whilst they're in there I cut a banana, an apple, some strawberries and an orange for a little fruit salad. I put half of it in a box to take with me, the other half remains on the plate because I will eat it. Then, as my alarm goes off, I get the buns out of the oven. I put Nutella on one and take both the bun and my little fruit salad to the table where I eat both whilst chatting with my cousin. She's in eighth grade and always complains about the upcoming exams which makes me laugh. I know exactly what she's going through, at that age everything seems to be more important than school, but I always tell her to keep going. Education is so very important.
As I'm done with breakfast I put the dishes in the dishwasher, put my salad and a bottle of water in my bag and put on my shoes. Before leaving the apartment I write Kai a message.
"Good morning querido, I hope you slept well❤️I'm at work already when you wake up but maybe we can meet for lunch? Just give me a short call if you want to so we can talk about the details. If not I'll see you after the second training session. I love you❤️", I write with a big smile on my face. I always hoped to have a relationship where my partner and I write each other messages like that some mornings and wake up together the other ones and now this dream came true with the best possible man. That's just unbelievable.
I leave the apartment and walk to the tube station which isn't far away. I buy a ticket and then enter the station. Fortunately my train is arriving in the same second as I arrive there and so I can get in immediately without having to wait at all. The ride is quite short and I spend it thinking about Kai and his reaction to my flashback yesterday. The way he held me, calmed me and talked to me and the words he said showed so much love. I think I didn't even know that so much love can exist and now I'm lucky enough to experience it. His reaction makes me so much more comfortable. It takes all the pressure that I had away. Everywhere you see and hear and read about people having sex on the day they meet and everyday in relationships and sometimes that makes me think that I gotta be like that too which is so bad for my mental health. But Kai doesn't push me and he took all those expectations I had for myself away and just gives me pure love. And in the end that's the most important thing in a relationship. Loving each other truly.
Anyway, as I get out of the train it's only a few hundred metres to walk to get to the social media division of Chelsea. I show my ID at the entrance and then enter the building, immediately getting to my work place. I already know what I have to do, I am supposed to choose some wallpapers of every player so they can post one of them every Wednesday. Wallpaper Wednesday. A really cool idea. And this afternoon we'll meet to discuss a new design for the online shop. I know, that doesn't have too much to do with social media, but since many of us have an unerring eye for design and aesthetics they want us to tell our opinion. But at first I have to take care of the wallpapers.
I've just started as somebody suddenly knocks on the wall so I don't get scared. It's one of the bosses, Harry. "Giovanna, would you please follow me? We gotta talk.", he says with a weird look on his face. I'm a little confused but if course I follow him to his office. I close the door behind us and sit down on the chair he points at. Then he unlocks his IPad, turns it around and shows me something. I feel like my heart stops beating for a moment. It's the daily mail website. It's an article with pictures. A picture of Sophie, Bernd, Lea, Jan, Kai and me leaving the restaurant. A picture of Kai offering me his hand to get out of his car. One of us hugging. One of us kissing before entering the restaurant and one of us kissing in the restaurant. The article's title is "Kai Havertz kisses Brazilian babe - the new Chelsea FC dream couple?"
I stare at ir for a moment before skimming the article and I'm really shocked how much they know about me. My name, my age, my home town, the school I went to and that I'm working for Chelsea. As I'm through with the article I look up at Harry, my bottom lip shaking in nervousness. Harry sees that and says: "Stay calm. We won't fire you because of that. We usually would do that but Sally told us that you and Mr Havertz met before your internship so we know that your intentions weren't like people might think. And you're doing great work. Those two facts convinced me and two other members of the council to keep you in our team. But there are some things we would appreciate. Please don't post too much about it. If you two decide to post a pic and then do that like once a month or you have each other in your Instagram story that'll be fine but don't make it the main content on your social media. People will talk about it anyway and the more you post the more they'll talk about it and the bigger the critics will be. They will criticise you as a person and us for letting it happen and we don't want our image to be like that. Also don't let it affect your work or you will be fired which would be a big loss. If you have to make best ofs or whatever try to not make it a best of Kai. Maybe even put him in less often than the others. From now I'll check every video you cut to see of you manage to do that. And if the media asks you personally about your relationship don't say anything. Reason is the same as with the posts, the less they wrote and talk the better. Got it?" I loudly exhale. I'm not fired. At least something. "I got it. Thanks for still giving me this chance. And I'll follow your instructions. Really, thank you.", I then say and after saying good bye we both leave the office. I return to my workplace where I immediately call Kai. As he answers the phone I don't even let him say his name, I immediately say: "They know about us. About me. They know everything about me. Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, everyone. What are we gonna do, Kai?"

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