Chapter 25 - Jealousy

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The next day Kai and I go to work together. They want to film a Q&A video with him today, he's become one of the most popular players of the club and many people requested it under the Q&A with Christian Pulisic and of course the bosses want to use that to get more views. Unfortunately I won't be part of the team recording it with him. And even worse, my least favourite colleague Shirley will ask the questions in the video. We haven't even entered the building yet but I'm already so damn jealous. She fancies for all of the players and always tries to seduce them when one of them is in the building. She really is a bitch, I really hate her. Like... The way she tries to seduce the players is so disgusting and you can see that she just wants the money and the attention. And the way she looks... I don't wanna be mean but if she was walking through the res light district you couldn't tell that she ain't working there. It's almost like even my sexiest bras cover more than her tops and she looks like she puts every single product from sephora on her face every day. She's like a bitchy barbie. Okay, actually barbie is a whole lot more intelligent than her. But the worst thing to me is the comments she makes about Kai and me. She always makes fun of me, insults me, tells me I'm not good enough for Kai and that she'd be a better girlfriend for him and even spreads the rumour that I'm just exploiting Kai. Fortunately my other colleagues have brains and know that it's nothing but rumours but still I really don't like it.
Anyway, what I want to say is that I really don't like this girl. And that she'll get to film with him today makes me feel very uncomfortable. But I don't want to tell Kai because I might also be overreacting and probably he'll just laugh about it and tell me I'm crazy. Maybe I even am but I don't want to hear it out of his mouth, that'd hurt me a lot. "What wrong, princesa?", he asks as we're on our way from the car to the building. Fuck, I really tried to not show him I'm not feeling well. I look away and answer: "Nothing important. I'm just thinking about some quite tricky editing I have to do today. Don't worry. And have fun filming.", then force myself to smile at him. Kai raises an eyebrow, he knows damn well that I'm lying, but he also knows that asking me won't help. When I don't want to talk about something and get pushed too much I stonewall everything and everyone. If I don't feel comfortable enough to talk I get very anxious about it.
I geb upstairs with Kai and give him a good bye kiss. Shirley is watching it from the other side of the room, staring at me as if she wanted to kill me. Then, as Kai and I let go she shows me her middle finger with her disgustingly long nail and mouthes some words. I'm really good at lip reading and so I get what she is mouthing. "I'll get your boyfriend today, cunt."
That makes me feel even more uncomfortable about leaving Kai here with her but I have to. I stay as longs as I'm allowed to but Harry who also is part of the filming team tells me to go to my workplace and so I have to leave. I give Kai one last worried look but he's already talking to Shirley who's fluttering her eyelashes and touching his arm.
I can't take it no more and just leave before Kai even has a chance to get her claws off his arm. I even feel that little tears fill my eyes downstairs. I open the door of my office where Marie is waiting already. I walk to my chair and let myself fall onto it aggressively. Marie immediately gives me her attention and asks: "What happened?" I sigh angrily and then answer: "Shirley happened. She'll do the Q&A with Kai today and you know how she is, trying to get one of the players so she doesn't have to work anymore and can present her perfect body to the whole world in bikinis all day long. She at first mouthed she was gonna get my boyfriend today and then touched his arm with her ugly claws. I hate this fucking bitch! Kai is my boyfriend and I want her to take her fucking hands off him! Why does this fucking person even exist? And why am I not allowed to at least be part of the camera team? I feel so bad about him sitting there with her. I mean... I trust him but you know what boobs can make with a man's brain. And of course she has to show them off as if she was in the red light destrict. Who does she think she is? Looking like a prostitute and trying to get my boyfriend. Arghhhh I hate this fucking cunt."
Marie nods and says: "Oh, I get it. And yeah, she really is a bitch. But I really don't think you have to be worried, Kai loves you and he won't let her boobs get on his mind." "But he didn't take her hands off his arm when she touched him!", I complain whilst hitting the table with my fist. Marie looks at me and then asks: "How long did you stay after she started touching him?" and as I answer that I immediately left she says: "Well then... He probably took her claws off his body but you were running away too quickly. Really, don't worry Gigi. He loves you and he would never even take a real look at that whore." I just shrug and then remind her that we should better start working to get everything done before the deadline ends.

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