Chapter 44 - New Feeling

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It's been a few weeks now since Kai and I were harassed by the Paparazzi and there actually have been a few articles spreading false rumours about him and they also keep writing shit about us but I'm fine with it by now. Okay im not fine with it but I can live with it. I've just kinda accepted my fate and that they aren't gonna stop soon so yeah... Here I am now basically not giving a fuck about anything they write about me anymore. The only thing about it that scares me is that his fans surely have read everything and that I'll be there during the public training tomorrow. So far my bosses have been so kind to put other people as cameramen whenever it was a public session but currently almost everyone has covid and so there was no other choice than having me do that. And that kinda really scares me. Only being confronted with hate via social media isn't too bad for me any more but what if they hate me in real life? Will I be able to cope with that during the session? And what if not? What do I do then? I can't just leave or start to cry? What can I do?

"Hey Babe, what are you thinking?", Kai asks suddenly before gently kissing my neck and hugging me from behind. Immediately I relax a little bit and grab his underarms that lie right over my heart. "Nothing special. Just wondering what the fans will react like when they see me on pitch with you tomorrow.what of they believed everything the press said?", I answer and then feather a light kiss on his hand. Kai buries his nose in my hair for a second, then he says: "They will love you, Gigi, I'm sure they will. Most of my fans aren't stupid and would never believe the shit the papers wrote about you. They will accept that I love you and that I'm happy with you and will support you for just that fact. And if anybody dares to say a word against you I'll beat them up, I promise. But really, don't worry, everything is gonna be alright. They'll love you just as much as I do. Don't be scared, Baby."

Those words reassure me very much and so I can really relax now, leaning back against him. "Wanna watch a movie?", he asks then and as I nod he leans forward to kiss me softly, then he walks around the sofa and jumps onto it right next to me, pulling me close.

The next morning I deeply inhale before leaving the building for the training ground. As the fans see me walking up to it with the big camera some of them start talking, looking at me a little suspiciously. Immediately this bad feeling of being judged comes back, grabbing my heart with it's monstrous claws and squeezing all the courage Kai and his words have given to me out of my body. They have surely read all the things the mirror, the sun and all the other boulevard magazines have written about me. And they seem to believe it, or at least some of them. A group of about five girls in Kai's Jersey stares at me, their eyes follow me until I've stepped on the pitch and then still stick to me as I've arrived on the grass. I feel more and more intimidated but as if I'm not realising it I just set everything up for our weekly inside training episode. A few minutes later the players arrive luckily and so the fans' attenrion is drawn away from me and onto them. Also Kai smiles at me and forms a heart with his hands and both Mason and Ben show me thumbs up. That encourages me to inhale deeply, tense my shoulders a bit and stand more confidently whilst filming.

It's a good training session, the boys deliver very well and within minutes I have enough good material for the whole video. I still keep going for the remaining hour and also film a few scenes of the players with the fans. Then I remove the camera and all the other equipment and get on the way to the building, walking past the players and fans. Suddenly someone jumps in front of me and I let out a little scream. "Kai, that ain't funny!", I complain and then try to escape my sweaty boyfriend's hug. I want to kiss him, of course, but I still have to work for like three hours and Sally probably won't appreciate me being totally smelly. I dodge his hug and get on my tiptoes as I kiss him softly. He slightly smiles into the kiss which also makes me smile and I'd love to keep going with the kiss but suddenly we get interrupted.

It's the fans that watched me earlier, the ones I've been kinda scared of. Now they aren't looking at me suspiciously, they're smiling and one of them says: "Can we maybe take a pic woth you, Gigi and Kai? We're your biggest fans and honestly, y'all are so cute together! And Gigi you look absolutely amazing, like your hair and your skin and your style... Just woah! Can we take a pic? And could you two maybe give us an autograph?" while looking totally excited. I'm really surprised and to be honest I am too stunned to speak for a moment and so I just look at Kai. My boyfriend smiles, says: "See, I told you to not be worried, babe." and then agrees on signing their shirts and pictures. Suddenly life comes pack into my body and I also sign their stuff before posing with them so they can take a pic. At all times they tell me how happy and thankful they are and my happiness just increases and increases. And as Kai and I sit on our couch in the evening and see that one of the girls posted the pic with the caption "met Gigi and Kai today. They're so kind and just look how gorgeous she is!😍❤️" I fully realise that Kai was right and there was nothing to worry about.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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