Chapter 20 - Happy

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Kai's POV

Today I only have training in the afternoon and so I drive home after having taken Gigi to work. Having arrived in my apartment I make some tea and then sit down on the sofa. My thoughts immediately wander to Gigi and our Intimacy this morning. I'm so very happy that it happened and that Gigi liked it. Being that close and intimate with her just is amazing. I've had a lot of sexual experience before meeting her already but the thing this morning was.... It was so different, so special, just perfect. The love and trust and intimacy were just... Crazy. I've never felt anything like that before. Okay, not only while being intimate, over all I've never felt anything like that before. I think I know now what real love looks like. When I'm with Gigi, even when she's working and I'm just silently sitting in the corner of the room, I just feel so good. I could literally just watch her for hours straight, doing nothing, and I'd be the happiest man in the world. This woman just touched something in my heart I didn't even know existed. Only thinking about her already makes some wave of warmth roll over my body. She just makes me so fucking happy and I really love her with all my heart. And this morning took our love to the next level. It was so wonderful. Satisfying her, giving her her first orgasm ever, being satisfied by her... Just everything.
I wallow in the beautiful memories but then my thoughts get interrupted by my phone that starts ringing. I grab it from the table and look at it. On the screen there's the name 'Skipper' which means that the caller is my best friend Julian. I touch the green symbol and his face appears. "Hi Skipper, what's up?", I ask whilst smiling bright. He also smiles and says: "I'm doing quite good, training is going great. And I am getting along very well with the new players. But that's not why I'm calling... You finally found a girl that's taking your ugly ass as her boyfriend and even made it official but you didn't tell me personally... First of all I'm heartbroken because you're cheating on me, second of all I'm angry because you didn't tell me and third of all I'm happy for you. But now I really want to know more. So tell me some stuff about her." I chuckled and then start talking. "Sorry that I didn't tell you, I was so busy. And I didn't plan to make it official that early. The paparazzi were taking pictures of us and there were loads of articles about us and we didn't want any rumours to be spread and so we made it official... But yeah... Gigi is perfect. For real. When I first met her it was like.... I was totally flashed by her. I had been splashing water and mud on her with my car but she wasn't angry at all, she was just cute and kind and my bad conscience was pretty much gone immediately. And the way she looked was so... Perfect. Even with soaking wet clothes with a lot of mud on them and in her hair she looked gorgeous. Especially because of the cute little smile she showed me. It was just... A friendly, cute little smile. And her eyes had this special glance. I immediately fell for her. I took her home and asked for her number. We met quite often in the following weeks and then she surprised me as she started her internship at Chelsea. She's working in the social media team and therefore we see each other on the campus every day. One day this disgusting guy at her work, Mitch, touched her against her will and just wouldn't let go of her. Fortunately another colleague could chase him away but Gigi was totally bushed because of some experience she made in Brazil. I was comforting him and then we kissed and came together. And now she makes me the happiest man in the world every single day. It's like... The love and support she gives me, the way she looks at me and talks to me and touches me, the way she talks to my family... I've never experienced something like that ever before. And I've never trusted and loved someone that much ever before. When I'm with her I can... I can be myself. 100%. I don't have to hide anything about myself. I can't tell her everything and she always supports me in exactly the way I need it. And with her it never gets boring. We share so many interests, it's really crazy. I feel like she's my soulmate, for real.", I say and smile dreamily. Telling Julian everything about Gigi again brings home to me how wonderful she is and how happy I am with her. Julian smiles bright and says: "That sounds wonderful. She's from Brazil right?" and as I nod he adds: "Is she good in bed? Everybody I know always said that South American girls are best in bed. One of my teammates says they fuck like pornstars." I roll my eyes and then say: "That's such a stupid stereotype. For real, get that out of your mind. And I don't really know if she's good in bed. We haven't had sex yet." "Really? Why that?", he asks curiously. I explain: "She's been abused by her ex and therefore sexual activities aren't easy for her. But she's slowly getting back to it and I try to give her as many positive experiences as possible. It takes some time but I just want her to enjoy it as much as I do and so the amount of time that we have to take for everything doesn't matter to me. Not at all. If she didn't want to I would even be okay with never having sex again. But she's getting more and more comfortable. This morning we had some petting and it was the mksf wonderful sexual experience I've ever made. It was perfect, very intimate and intense. I really enjoyed it and I hope that we will do it more often now. And even if not, I love her and all I want is being with her. I could literally just watch her work all day long and I'd be happy just to feel her presence." Julian now understands and again says that it sounds wonderful, then we change the topic and talk for almost three hours but then I have to leave for training and so we end the call. Talking to Julian was nice and now it'll be even nicer because after training I'll see Gigi again.

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