Chapter 33 - Positive

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I'm cutting one of the newest training videos of the team right now. I just love seeing how much fun they all have together. Of course they really concentrate on training but they always do some silly thing as well, especially Mason and Ben. They are the clowns of the team. And to be honest... I think there is some special kind of chemistry between them. I can't describe it but it kinda gives me the cute couple vibes at times. But I don't know, it's none of my business anyway.

Suddenly I get a call. It's Kai. I wonder why he's calling me right now, if I'm not messing everything up he should be training right now. "Hey baby, what's up?", I say as I answer the call. For a moment there's nothing but silence, then Kai sobbs: "Gigi, leave you workplace and without talking to anyone go to the testing rooms. My PCR test is positive and you might be positive too." I am totally shocked. Kai has corona? And I might have it too? What? Fuck! "Okay baby, I'll do that. How're you right now? And where?", I answer. He sobbs quietly, then he whispers: "I'm in my apartment. And I'm feeling very bad. I don't have symptoms, at least not yet, but I'm scared. And I'm scared that I might have given you Covid. " The way he says those words, the way he cries... It all breaks my heart. "I am so sorry Kai. But don't be afraid, everything is gonna be alright. And even if I am positive as well it isn't your fault. You always were respecting covid rules. You didn't do anything with a high risk, it really isn't your fault. And I'm gonna do the test now and then call you, hm?", I say and after my boyfriend has agreed I directly go to Chelsea's test point. They do a PCR test and three antigen tests so they can be sure about the result and then tell me to wait until the antigen tests' results are there. We get tested every second day currently, my last test was yesterday morning and it was negative but of course it might be possible that now the viral load is big enough to make my tests positive. I hope it ain't like that but it's possible.

Unfortunately my hopes aren't fulfilled. My antigen tests are all positive. The chance that they all are broken is too little and so I get told to immediately go into quarantine for 14 days. And that's exactly what I do. But not in my apartment, I call Kai, tell him about my result and then get on my way to his apartment. At least we aren't alone during our quarantine, being with each other will hopefully make it a little better.

Having arrived at Kai's apartment I enter it. Kai immediately comes into the hallway and pulls me in a tight hug, crying upon my shoulder. "I am s-so sorry, princesa. I-I-I didn't want to give your corona.", he sobbs whilst digging his finger in my hoodie. I hold him and stroke over his back to comfort him. "It's okay Kai. Everything will be alright. Its not your fault. You always were careful. It's shit that it happened but you did everything to not get it. It really wasn't you fault, sometimes things are our of our hand and then we can only make the best out of it. So let's do that, hm? Let's make the best out of the situation.", I say and then kiss his tears away. He still looks like he's dying inside but he can force himself to smile and nod. I smile encouraging, then we kiss softly. Kai just doesn't have enough power to really kiss me right now but that's okay. And I am sure that it'll be better when he's processed everything. And until then I'll make sure to make him feel as good as possible.

I take my boyfriend's hand and pull him into the kitchen with me. There I let him sit down on a chair. I hand him a hot cup of tea whilst starting to make some pão de queijo. They are some Brazilian cheese balls and one of my favourite foods in the world. I mix all the ingredients and whilst the balls are in the oven I hug Kai again, trying to comfort him. It just really breaks my heart to see how bad he's feeling and how scared he is. I pray to god that we both will have a mild progression of disease. And that Kai stops blaming himself, it really ain't his fault!

As the pão de queijo are ready I take them out of the oven and put them in a bowl. Then I take Kai's hand again and together we walk to his sofa where we snuggle up to each other very close. We watch his favourite childhood movies and eat the cheeseballs whilst cuddling and I feel that he's slowly getting more calm. It has been a real shock for him. But now he's processing it more and more and I and the movies distract him enough to not be too emotional about it right now.

And it stays like that, he doesn't even start crying again as we are lying in bed in the evening, he just snuggles up to me and puts his hand on my boobs. I wrap one arm around him and stroke over his back with my hand whilst the other hand plays with his hair. He clearly enjoys that and manages to really relax. After some time he falls asleep, looking totally peaceful. I watch him for another few minutes, then I also fall asleep, surrounded by his warmth and scent and love.

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