Chapter 26 - You And You Only

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Kai's POV

Oh lord, why do I have to do this Q&A video? Okay, the video ain't even the problem. The problem is the person who is asking the fans' questions, Shirley. From the second I've entered the room I hated her. She is so very fake. Like... Her face basically just consists of botox, hyalurone fillers and make up. Tons of make up. It looks like a damn mask and since she has so much botox in her face there aren't any movements in her it when she's talking or laughing. Also her hair is terribly bleached and she is clearly wearing extensions which looks absolutely awful because they dont blend with her hair at all. And then there are her clothes that consist of less fabric than my boxershorts. She could walk in with nipple pads and that wouldn't really cover less than her 'top'. But the worst thing about her is that she offensively tries to seduce me by pushing her fake tits in my face and licking her lips and touching me with her claws. I really wonder how that woman can wipe her ass with nails that long.

Anyway, what I want to say is that I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable because she's acting so... I'd call it weird I think. The first action of hers that made me hate her was that she said something to Gigi when she entered the room and I think it wasn't really nice because my girlfriend looked very disturbed afterwards. Gigi stayed for some more minutes but about ten seconds ago she pretty much was fleeing the room. Why? Well... Shirley put her disgusting claws at my arm. And I think that was too much for Gigi. I was too shocked to move for a moment but now I find back to life.

"Get you fucking hand off my body.", I hiss whilst giving the bitch my death stare. But she doesn't even think about it and moves her hand to my chest. "Oh no baby, I won't. I know you like it. And let's stop lying, we both know that I'm way better than this ugly, fat whore Gigi. She doesn't deserve you with her jiggling body and her ugly little apartment. You deserve so much better. You deserve me.", she says in a seductive tone whilst fluttering her eyelashes. Als she puts her other hand between my legs and at that moment it's completely over. I jump off my chair and shout: "How dare you touch me like that? I fucking don't want you to touch me and especially not there. That's fucking harassment! And stop talking about Gigi like that! She's gorgeous and funny and intelligent, three things that you definitely aren't! She's my girlfriend and I love her! And I would never leave her for a disgusting, harassing cunt like you!", then I turn to the camera team and say: "Sorry but I can't continue today. Maybe tomorrow and with another person. Oh an please don't delete what you've recorded so far, I need that as evidence." before leaving the room. Whilst I walk to the door one of the cameramen nods and says: "Okay."

I run down the stairs, fuming with rage, and don't really watch where I am going. Therefore I didn't see the person I'm running into. "Ouch.", the woman says as she hits the floor. I turn to her and recognise Sally. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry Sally. I was in a rage. Really, I'm so sorry.", I say whilst pulling her on her feet again. She just shows me a friendly smile and says: "It's okay. But why were you in a rage?" I roll my eyes and then explain: "Shirley. I should've been filming a Q&A with her but she talked shit about Gigi and then even touched me inappropriately, like... She first touched my arm and I told her to stop but she didn't and instead touched my chest before putting her other hand on my crotch. That was so disgusting. At least the camera was rolling already so that I have evidence for it and can take her into court." Sally opens her eyes widely and answers: "Oh wow, we all know that she fancies you players and she spread loads of rumours about Gigi but I never thought she would do something like that. Good that you at least have the video. I'm authorised to get every single second of video material that's ever been taken. If you want to I can secure everything and give it to you so you can give it to the police." I thank her and say that this would be great and then get on the way to Gigi again. Having arrived at her office I knock before entering.

She's in the room with her colleague Marie but as the younger girl sees me she leaves the room to give me a moment with my girlfriend. "Hey princesa.", I say whilst walking closer to her. She doesn't look at me but I hear a quiet snivel before she asks: "And? Did you have fun with Shirley? Looked like you enjoyed her touch." I immediately answer: "What? No, of course not! She's disgusting. Everything about her. Her face, her clothes, her way of treating people... Everything." Gigi again snivels and whispers: "You don't have to lie, Kai. She's hot. She's skinny, has big boobs and she wants you. She's perfect for a football player like you, unlike me." That Gigi thinks that way about her really shocks me and so I now really walk to her and pull her in my arms. I turn her head to mine and look her deep in the eyes before saying: "Gigi, she isn't hot. She's just plastic garbage. You are hot. I absolutely love your body. It is a normal body with curves at the right places. It looks way better than this modellike skinny body type. You look way better. You are perfect Gigi. Unlike Shirley. She's just useless plastic trash. I came together with you because I want you and you only. Because I love you and you only. I love you Gigi." My girlfriend now really starts crying and I just hold her. It breaks my heart that she sometimes can't see herself like I do. As a gorgeous, strong woman with perfect curves and more intelligence than any other person I know. As the perfect woman she is.

I hold her for some time and just try to comfort her. After some minutes she calms down a little and notices how early it still is. "Why are you here already? Shouldn't you be filming?", she asks whilst drawing circles on my chest. I kiss her face and then answer: "I ran away and told them that I might do it tomorrow if someone else asks the questions after she ignored my instruction to keep her fingers off me. She... She touched my chest and then even grabbed my crotch and that was so disgusting. At least I have it all on camera and Sally is saving it so I can report her to the police. But... I have never been touched like that against my will and it feels horrible. I... I feel so dirty. And I still can feel her claws touch me." At the end of my explanation my voice becomes shaky. Gigi stares at me and then whispers: "Oh my god, Kai, that's terrible!" whilst pulling me close. It's only now that I realise how much that harassment hit me. At first I just disliked the touch but now it makes me feel unwell and I'm totally confused by everything going on insode of me right now and so I start crying. Gigi just pulls me closer and whispers: "Shhhh, I know exactly how you're feeling, Kai. This disgusting, dirty feeling. But believe me, I'll do everything that's needed for you getting better. You're not alone, querido. And together we can do this, okay?" I nod and then snuggle up to her, trying to calm down a little.

In my mind the thoughts go crazy. Not only because of how I am feeling about what happened to me but also because of me realising how bad it must be for Gigi after the things her ex did to her. I always respected her and her fears but it's only now that I can at least a little bit understand what exactly she's feeling. And that after only being harassed a little. The thought of her going through even worse pain makes me cry even harder but Gigi somehow manages to comfort me until I stop crying.

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