Chapter Five - Good Morning

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As I wake up the next morning I'm not in my bedroom. I need a moment to realise where I am but then I remember. Kai and I played Fifa and watched movies yesterday. And it seems like I've fallen asleep during one of the movies because this bedroom is definitely Kai's. Also some long, warm arms are wrapped around me and my back touches a warm body. By the scent I can tell that it's Kai. I slowly turn around in his arms, careful to not wake him. Now his face is right in front of mine. It's completely relaxed but there's a beautiful, soft, little smile on it. I also start smiling and then get my hand out of the blanket. My fingertips softly stroke over the contours of his gorgeous face and Kai softly gasps in his sleep. This sound and the fact that he still hugs me in his sleep make me smile brighter. He's just so cute and so perfect. Damn, I think I've really fallen in love with him during the last weeks. And being here with him, cuddling with him is... Amazing.
Unfortunately I have to interrupt those morning cuddles, I gotta be at work in an hour and a half and Kai also has a training session. That's why I have to wake him now. I stroke over his cheek with a little more pressure and whisper: "Kai. Wake up." He slowly opens his eyes, blinking a couple of times and looking a little confused. Then, as he realises where he is and who I am, he smiles bright. "Good morning.", he says with his raspy morning voice and whilst he says that my lower stomach cramps a little. It just sounds way too sexy. "Good morning Kai. How was you sleep?", I whisper whilst softly ruffling through his fluffy hair. "It was great. I hope it's okay for you that we slept in the same bed. I wanted to return to the sofa and sleep there after I brought you here but you clenched your fingers around my arm and didn't let me go and so I had to stay here, too. Sorry.", he whispers, looking away at the end. I put my hand at his cheek, making him look me in the eyes again and then say: "Don't say sorry, I haven't been sleeping that well for months. And I could really get used to waking up like this." Kai smiles again now and one of his hands strokes up my back until it arrives at my long, blond hair which it ruffles through. It's a little, soft gesture but I really appreciate it. I just enjoy it for a minute but then say: "We gotta get up now, Kai. We've got an hour and twenty minutes and I still gotta get home to put on some other clothes. I don't want them to ask weird questions if I show up in the same clothes I was wearing yesterday." But Kai doesn't even think about it. He pulls me closer and says: "I'll give you one of my hoodies. I accidently put it in the dryer and so it should be your size. And now cuddle me more." I laugh, ruffle through his hair again and agree before snuggling up to him even closer. We lie there in silence for a moment, just feeling each others warmth and being surrounded by each other's scent. Then Kai suddenly whispers: "I like you Gigi. Really, I like you a lot, even though we've only known each other for a couple of weeks. I feel like I can be me when you're around. The real me. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm with you and that's great."
These words make my heart beat a lot faster. He likes me. Kai likes me. But is... Is it the way I wish it would be? I turn my head to his again and softly follow his contours with my fingertips before answering: "I really like you too. You're making my life a lot better at the moment and I also can be myself when I'm with you." We look each other deep in the eyes and Kai's right hand finds it's way to my cheek. He softly strokes over it with his thumb and I get all my courage together and move my face forward. At first the touch of our lips is so soft that we can barely feel the touch but we both want a little more. I softly grab his face and so our lips really touch now. They move in perfect sync and I forget everything around me. All that matters is Kai and his warm, soft lips. I feel like my chest explodes in love and I press my body even closer against his body. He understands and with his free arm he pulls me very tight. Not even a piece of paper would fit between us now. I feel his fast heart beat through his chest and smile into the kiss. My heart beat ain't different, it's really fast and heavy but I think that's normal. I mean... I'm kissing the man I love for the first time right now.
I do not know how much time passes by, it could be minutes, hours, days, months... But after some time Kai slowly separates our lips. "That was... Wow... I... I can't even put it in words.", Kai says. I smile and want to answer but just in this moment his phone starts ringing, destroying this intense, intimate moment between us.

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