Chapter 29 - I Missed You

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Finally home. I'm finally home again. Probably you arw wondering were I've been now. I've taken Marie to Manchester so she can see Marcus. Okay, I didn't really take them there, I just accompanied them. Marie's mother wouldn't let them go alone and so I went with her. It's so stupid that they weren't allowed to go alone, I mean... Marie is seventeen. Almost eighteen. And so far her mother never really cared about her so why now?

Anyway, originally I planned to take her there, have lunch with Marcus, Marie and her brother and then go back home but on our way there was a problem with a broken train blocking the railway and so we needed almost seven hours to get there and I really didn't want to have another train drive that long yesterday and so I also spent the night in Manchester. And I really gotta say that it was nice, especially seeing Marcus and Marie together. They chatted all day long during the past weeks and got to know each other very well and so it seemed as if they had known each other for years already. And they are so very cute. The way they talk, the way Marcus watches her when she talks, the way he puts his arm around her waist to gently pull her close... I just hope they come together, they'd be a great couple.

Even though it was a nice evening with them I am very happy to finally be back home. Spending so many hours in a train really isn't what I like and also I originally planned to have a nice evening with Kai. We wanted to go to a restaurant and get some German food and after that just have a nice, relaxed evening together. And now we didn't get to do that. I'm kinda upset about that, I was really looking forward to it. In the last few days we didn't have much time together because the boys had two away games and he was home for one night only and I really missed Kai.

"I'm home!", I exclaim as I enter Kai's apartment. He immediately opens the door of the living room and runs towards me. He pulls me as close as possible, buries his face in my hair and deeply inhales before saying: "Welcome home, baby girl. I missed you so, so much." I snuggle up to him as close as possible and then whisper: "I missed you too." Then is just breathe in and enjoy being surrounded by his warmth and scent.

After a moment we move a little so that we can finally kiss. Our lips move in perfect sync and our tongues slowly play with each other. A special kind of warmth that I only have with Kai starts flooding my body from my chest. It's kinda like the physical feeling of love. And there really is a lot of love I feel right now. My right hand wanders to Kai's ahir and I Bury it in it. He didn't style his hair and so it's really soft, exactly how I love it.

After some time Kai slowly separates our lips. He strokes over my cheek and whispers: "How about you taking a quick shower whilst I finish making lunch, hm?" I agree and about ten minutes later I sit down at the table in one of Kai's shirts and my beloved sweat pants. He smiles at me and says: "You look so cute in my clothes, princesa." whilst handing me a plate. I blush slightly and thank him quietly for both the compliment and the food. He made some Schnitzel with potatoes and veggies. It looks and smells amazing and as I take a bite I am totally amazed by the taste as well.

We both really enjoy the great food, then we move to the sofa. I lie down on top of Kai, putting my head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. Also I inhale his scent and enjoy his warmth. My boyfriend strokes up and down my back, his fingers brush over my spine. "Mhhhhhhh.", I softly moan, it's just such a good feeling. Kai chuckles quietly and now even puts his hands under my shirt so that his fingers brush over my skin now. I immediately get goosebumps and start smiling, I just love this touch way too much. His warm fingers, the softness of his touch, his lips touching my face from time to time. This closeness and love is exactly what I've always wanted and never got but now I get it. More of it than I ever thought I could get. And I am the world's happiest person because of that. Because if Kai.

"I love you.", I say quietly whilst moving my head so I can look him in the eyes. I immediately get lost in them, they're just way too gorgeous and the way they glance full of love is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Kai smiles, strokes a piece of hair out of my face and then whispers: "I love you too, Gigi." As always hearing these words out of his mouth sends shivers down my spine, it just makes me way too happy. I smile bright and then move my head towards his. Our lips meet once again and just like our previous kiss this one is very soft yet unbelievably intense. Our lips move in perfect sync and Kai softly sucks on my bottom lip at times before gently letting his tongue glide into my mouth. It starts playing with mine, at first softly but then it becomes more intense and it really becomes a little fight. Meanwhile I let my hands slip under Kai's shirt, brushing over his muscular upper body and giving him goosebumps. At the same time he starts massaging my boobs through my shirt. The massaging is quite rough but it doesn't hurt, it's just perfectly fine. Kai really knows what he's doing.

With every minute we spend kissing and touching I get turned on more. I've been quite horny all day long already and the love we're having here right now is incredible. It all feels totally right and so I make a decision which as you will find out later turns out to be one of the best decisions I have made in my life. "Kai.", I gasp and as he looks at me I add: "I want to sleep with you. Now."

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