Chapter 24 - Closeness

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"Oh no, look at the weather! It wasn't supposed to rain, we're gonna get totally wet!", Kai exclaims as he looks outside the little café we're in. I follow his gaze and he's right, it's raining heavily outside. This fucking city. For real, why does it always rain? If the rain at least was warm I could live with it but London rain in October is damn cold. But still we gotta go through it now because the café is closing. "Ughhh this fucking piece of shot of a city.", I say angrily and Kai chuckles a little, then he suddenly wraps his jacket around me. "What? Kai, that's yours and you'll need it!", I say and try to take it off but he doesn't let me. "You need it more than I do, I know how fast you're getting cold. And I'll take a hot shower at home so I get warm again. And now let's go before the rain becomes even heavier.", he says and then kisses me before pulling me on the outside. The rain is so heavy that even I, wearing two jackets, am soaking wet after half a minute. Kai pulls me with him, quickly moving us through the streets until we arrive at his building. We directly go to the third floor and he opens the apartment's door.
"You can take a shower first of you want to.", Kai says whilst giving me a gaze full of love. I smile at him and then spontaneously decide to say: "Let's do it together." Kai's smile immediately becomes brighter and together we enter the bathroom. We take off all of our clothes and then enter the shower together. Kai pulls me close, whispers: "You're stunning, Gigi." and then kisses me whilst turning on the water. The warmth of his body combined with the warmth of the water and the intense touch of our lips makes me get quite hot within two minutes. Also the view I have is very hot. Kai's trained upper body looks so fucking good with the water running down on it. And I also appreciate his dick even though it's soft. Still. Because I definitely wanna change that.
I enjoy the hot water running down my body for another short moment, then I step back a little so I can put my hand between us. Now I'm getting a little nervous, last time I touched his dick it was hard already. Therefore I grab his deck very gently and start moving my hand slowly and with almost no pressure. Kai softly gasps and then whispers: "That feels great Gigi. But you can use more pressure, I appreciate that even more." I nod and kiss him again, putting my tongue down his throat again, then I use more pressure. Kai's reaction follows immediately in form of several loud moans and goosebumps that show up all over his body. That encourages me a little and I also move my other hand down. I start caressing his balls with it and Kai seems to really appreciate it. At least his dick grows even faster now. I fascinatedly watch it's growth. Knowing that that's happening just because of me feels great. And it looks really how and so there pretty much an ocean between my legs by now.
Kai's hands also wander down my body and he grabs my ass with one of them whilst letting the other one slip between my legs. As his fingers brush over my clit I loudly moan: "Fuck, Kai!" My boyfriend seems to like this sound and repeats his movement before he starts giving my clit a treat with two singers regularly. I loudly groan into his mouth and he moans back into mine whenever I move my hand.
Kai's groans really encourage me and so I suggest: "Let's go to the bedroom, I'd like to really give you a treat. My boyfriend's eyes get big but he nods. We get out of the shower and dry each other's body with towels, then we move to the bedroom. On our way there my tongue doesn't even leave his mouth for a second but as soon as we're in the bed, me on top of him, I separate our lips. I feather soft kisses on his neck and chest, always keeping eye contact with Kai. His eyes are full of Lust and that for real looks so fucking hot.
For a moment I kiss ans lick and bite his nipples but Kai stops me and says: "I'm not too sensible there. My abs are more of a soft spot, especially my v-lines." I nod and then keep kissing down. Having arrived at his abs I look him in the eyes one last time before sucking on the different parts, sparing his v-lines. Kai quietly whines, he really didn't lie about how sensitive he is there.
As I kiss and lick along his v-lines his whines get a little louder but then change into real groans as I dare to lick his tip once. He seems to be really turned on, a few drops of precum are coming out during my second and third time licking his tip already. I spontaneously decide to just swallow it and then nervously take his cock in deeper. My thoughts are going crazy. What if he doesn't like it? If his cock touches my teeth and it hurts? If I suck at giving blowjobs? All those fears go through my head but Kai seems to feel different about everything. He can't stop groaning and even grabs my hair and the bedsheets a little. His eyes are closed and in his face I see pure joy which encourages me to use my tongue more and more. It flicks over Kai's tip, swirls around it and wanders over his shaft. "So good!", Kai groans and only a few seconds later he comes off, filling my mouth with several loads of cum. I swallow most of it but I wasn't prepared for it being that much and so I choke on it for a second. As I coughed enough I crawl up to Kai again and nervously smile at him. He states at me and then says: "That was the best blowjob I have ever received. Thank you so much Gigi." I smile brighter and let him kiss me before whispering: "That's great. And to be honest I had a lot of fun. I think I wanna suck your dick more often." Kai chuckles and answers: "I wouldn't have a problem with that. But only if I can also eat you out whenever you do that." I join in his chuckling and then moan loudly as his fingers swirl around my clit again. "Still so wet.", Kai mumbles, then he kisses me one last time before spreading my legs with his hands and lying down between them.
He starts with feathering soft kisses on my inner thighs whilst still rubbing my clit. I bury my hands in his hair and pull it a little as his lips finally meet my private parts. Just like during the first time his tongue explores every milimetre of my princess parts whilst he sucks and nibbles on them. That feels incredibly good and I can't hold back at all and so I moan so loud that I'm sure Kai's neighbours will here it. But I don't care, it just feels so good. I get wetter and wetter with every seconds and Kai happily sucks all my juice off my vulva. But my insides are still very wet. Somehow I feel ready for even more new stuff today and so I ask him to gently and slowly insert a finger. "Are you sure?", Kai asks and as I nod he slowly puts his pointer into me. "Mhhhhhh, I like that.", I gasp and that encourages Kai to slowly move his finger which feels totally amazing. After some time I feel a second finger at my entrance and I signalise him that it's okay and so Kai also puts this finger into me. My groans get a little louder now, being filled with the fingers of someone you love who also loves you is a fantastic feeling, especially because Kai is very gentle.
After some more time he carefully adds another finger and my body cramps a little. Kai immediately stops moving his fingers and asks: "Should I stop?" but I shake my head and just tell him to give me a minute. As I'm sure I can deal with it I signalise him to keep going and so he does. It's still a little inconvenient in the beginning but the more often his fingers glide in and out the better it feels. Also he's licking my clit and vulva lips again and all that sends me to heaven. With Kai's name on my lips I come heavily. It's even more intense than my first orgasm, probably because of the fingers that Kai gently pulls out after I've calmed down enough. He crawls up to me again and we statt another round of kissing. Between two kisses I also thank him for giving me a treat and we both smile into the next kiss, happy to have taken this next step in our relationship.

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