A Real Date

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It had been 3 days since Tanjiro and Misumi had left for final selection. Kana had just finished a mission regarding the whereabouts of the upper moons and was disappointed to find yet another dead end in her search. She had no leads as to their whereabouts or their powers, she was starting to become a little bit disheartened. Luckily for her a certain somebody who she hadn't really seen much of in a few months now had something very special planned.

"Kana! You're back finally, how was the mission?" Kyojuro yelled, he was waiting for her to come back.

"The mission was yet another bust, how's your leave been?" She asked with a smile.

"Leave is really not all that it's cracked up to be." He said with a laugh. He had been on leave for a while due to a previous injury.

"Getting bored?" She asked.

"Bored and lonely. I'm glad you're back." He said with a wild grin.

"Glad to be back." She said as she gave him a quick kiss.

"So any plans for the remainder of your time here?" He asked getting up to follow her into the house.

"I shouldn't have another mission until about 2 weeks from now so no I don't have any plans." Kana said with a smile.

"That's good because it would be a shame for you to have plans after I already made some." He said, they entered the house and Kana laid on the floor.

"What kind of plans did you make." Her voice was muffled by her face being shoved into the floor.

"Just for us to go on a real date." He said quickly.

"Have we ever done that before? Been on a real date?" Kana asked turning her head to the side so her cheek laid on the floor.

"Not that I can recall." He said sitting down next to her.

"For Christ's sake, how have we never been on a date?" Kana asked.

"Don't worry, I plan to remedy that issue very soon. Tomorrow night, we go on our first date!" He said enthusiastically.

For Kana, this was a godsend. She needed a distraction from her recent failure and luckily for her, her darling boyfriend happened to have just the right idea. "Thank you Kyojuro. I really needed this."

"Well I've had lots of time to plan it out so I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself." He said with a smile.

She gave him a quickly peck on the cheek and went upstairs to take a shower. She'd never been on a date before so she wasn't exactly sure what to expect. Alas she shoved those thoughts to the back of her mind and made her way into the shower. She began weighing her situation regarding her task to find the upper moons, she was missing something. It was as if they could magically disappear at will, whenever she had a lead they were gone. He brain twisted as the water ran over her face. She couldn't figure it out, a blood demon art? Maybe a secret fortress? Nothing had ever had her more vexed than this.

However her time to ponder was cut short, as she was no longer alone in the shower.

(Ya'll I am going to 1) apologize in advance because this is not smut 2) mention that this is going to be a bit of a racy scene so if you're uncomfy skip it.)

"What're you doing in here? This is my time to think?" Kana said as she turned around and met Kyojuro's eyes.

"You're thinking too hard, the vein in your forehead is showing. I came to help you relax at bit." He said as he snaked his hand around her waist.

"I'm on a time crunch, if I don't think now when will it get done?" She asked as his head dipped to her neck.

"You can't think the way you are now, you won't get anywhere thinking while stressed." He said as he began to kiss her neck.

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