The vegance of Korra

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"Muichiro!" Kana screamed as he hung by the blade cut through his shoulder.

"Ahh... you. You've finally... come."

Kana tightened her stance. This was it. This was the moment she'd waited for. The moment when she would avenge her mother.

Her blood burned as her hair dawned it's red hue. Her eyes began to glow and the ash markings began to spread.

"Scorch Breathing, Fifteenth Form: Demon Soul Takeover, Ember Blaze"

Her swords changed, the cream color fading to match the crimson tips. Her anguish was obvious.

"So quick... yet still.. so slow.." he said

Kana's blazing red eyes filled with tears as she pointed her sword at the demon.

"Death is coming for you."

The clock ticked and ticked in her brain. The two clashed and the sheer force shook the entire room. Both holding back but putting in their all at the same time.

Kana managed a hit and sent the demon flying through several walls into another room.

She followed and cautiously walked through the wall. It was pitch black and she'd lost sight of him.

"Why blame me... for... her death. When you can.. blame yourself.."

"Kana I had the master send you here so I could spend time with you."

"I love this lake."

"Thank you for choosing me to be your mother."

I do blame myself.

"Thank you Kana."

Truth is I hate myself more than anyone else.

"Tell Ozai I love him and always have."

I was a horrible daughter.

"Gosh you are the cutest little girl."

I don't think about her. I don't miss her.

"For choosing me."

I should have died that day.

"To be your mother."

I love you mom. But I've moved forward. It was my fault. All of it. But I'm going to make it right. I swear. Im going to finish this fight.

"I have enough blame for the both of us." Kana said as she set the entire room on fire.

Tick tick tick

I'm going to kill him

Tick tick tick

I'm going to end this

Tick tick tick

You'll be free mother

Tick tick tick

"Scorch breathing, eleventh form: flaming cyclone."

Kana's body twisted on the air as her body coated with flames. She dug her sword into the demons body and sliced. She landed on the other side and the demon grunted.

"Is that it?" It asked her.

She couldn't hear. Couldn't breath. She only could kill.

"Kana!" A voice echoed as she ran towards the demon.

"Kana!" It yelled again as she took her stance.

"Stop!" It yelled once more. "Breathe!"

Kana's lungs collapsed and she fell to the ground. She'd hit her limit. Her anger had clouded her breathing.

"So fast... yet... so slow." The demon snarled.

Move. Do something. This can't end here. Move Kana! Move!

The demon raised its sword to her neck.


It swung.

But nothing came.

"Kana what are you doing!" Sabito screamed.

"Get up you runt!" Sanemi followed.

"Poor soul. Don't despair. You aren't alone now." Gyomei's voice echoed.

Kana's body relaxed. If she'd kept her emotions in check, she would win. But she didn't. Now she was being protected. Like a child. Her mother would be disappointed.

"I could never be disappointed in you my love. I've seen the world you've made. Now go live in it."

Words her mother had said flashed through her head. Kana stood up and took her stance. She was stronger now. She had help. Vengeance was as good as hers.

Sanemi and Sabito each attacked from the sides while Gyomei swung from the rear. Kana was behind Gyomei, waiting for an opening.

Tick tick tick.

The demon released its techniques and the three struggled to fight him off.

Tick tick tick

Kana stayed put and waited for the moment.

The bell rang.

"Scorch breathing, seventh form: Asiguri."

The demons head rolled to the ground of the blazing room. She'd won. She'd done it. She'd avenged her mother. The weight began to disappear as she fell to the ground. Tears rolled down her face and the smell of ash graced her senses. She'd finally done it. She could be free.

The clock however did not stop. The time was ticking. Another life was to be ended. Another challenge to to be faced.


"Damnit! That brat daughter of yours!"

"In time, you'll be too dead to care." Ember snickered.


Genya had released Muichiro and taken him to a safe place. As for Kana, she had spilt from the others, searching for the last sister she had.

"Misumi!" Kana yelled as she charged for her.

"Hey hey cut it out! We're on a mission here!"
She screeched.

"I love you okay." Kana said with a smile. "I cherish you. Now come on, we've got a demon king to kill."


The Scorch Queen || Rengoku K. || (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now