Oneshot: Ozai Gengi

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I don't remember much from my life, only that before I met him it wasn't the brightest. It all happened when I was around 15 years old.

"Hey! Get back here!" A man shouted. I had stolen from him. I was hungry and decided anything I took would be mine.

"Hey, stop! There's no need to steal! Here I'll go pay for it. Wait here." A boy said as I collided with his arm and fell to the ground. He was around my age. He had bright yellow hair with red tips and noticeable matching eyes. "See stealing is unnecessary. I'm Shinjuro Rengoku. What's your name?" He asked me. He extend his hand to me.

"I'm Ozai, Ozai Gengi." I told him.

"Why are you stealing Ozai?" Shinjuro asked me.

"I was hungry." I said. The boy had obviously never known poverty in his life.

"I see. Where's your family?" He asked me.

"Never had one." That was the honest truth. I never knew my family. This was the life I believe I was destined to have.

"Well I'll remedy that today! Come live with me!" He said enthusiastically. This boy barely knew me yet he offered me his home and family. I couldn't say no, I feared I would never get a chance like this again.

"Um, sure I guess." The boy took me back to his home, everyone there carried swords. It was odd yet somehow flowed in perfect rhythm.

"Ah Shinjuro! Who's this?" An older clone or Shinjuro said.

"Father! This is Ozai! He wishes to train to become a demon slayer." Shinjuro said.

Demon slayer? What was that? Why was I becoming one?

"Oh, well in that case I'll put him in your charge Shinjuro. Be sure he does well." The man said.

"Of course father." Shinjuro said in a respectful tone. 

"I'm sorry, what is a demon slayer? Also why am I a demon slayer? Also why is this the first I'm hearing of this?" I asked.

"Relax Ozai, I know potential when I see it. You've got fire in your heart. You'll do well here if you put that same heart in it!" His confidence in me was uplifting, I wondered what I had done to deserve it. From that day on I worked hard, mastered my forms, became a demon slayer.


Shinjuro had become a Hashira, and that was the day my life changed forever. "Hi I'm Korra! What's your name?" She was absolutely amazing. Shinjuro had brought her around because she was the first friend he'd made as a Hashira.

"I'm Ozai, nice to meet you." I was nervous, she was breathtaking.

"Well Ozai, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. Shinjuro has told me so much about you. Granted I've only known him a short while, but all the same. You live up to the tale!" She was bright and kind, you could tell just by how she spoke and moved.

"Yes, I'm glad I've met your expectations."

"I can tell you and me are going to be best friends!"


"Korra Asiguri has fallen!" A crow yelled.

This couldn't have happened I had seen her a few hours ago. She was going to spend time with Kana. Was she alright? Korra was gone.


"Master I'm sorry! It's all my fault, I should've helped her!" The girl I'd raised since her youth begging my forgiveness for a crime she didn't not commit. It was heartbreaking.

"What did she say?" I needed to know what she had to say. I needed to know Korra's final words.

"She said she loves you, always has and always will."

The shining light in my life dead, my disease declared fatal. Not much could remedy the pain I felt. Nothing but the girl sitting in front of me.

"We both have lost something today. It is not your fault, it is the fault of the demons. Remember that."


"Master how can I ever be like her?"

"I am no longer your master, daughter."

Time is short, I was done waiting. Shielding myself from the inevitable. I was dying anyways. If I couldn't be honest with Korra, the least I could do is be honest with Kana. I had another light in my life and she would change the world. To be honest she would never be like Korra, she had her mother's strength sure but everything else was entirely her own. I couldn't answer that question for her, maybe one day she'd answer it for herself.


"Ozai I must ask a favor of you."

"What would that be master?"

"Stand in as the flame Hashira until another candidate arises."

"Of course, master."

Shinjuro, my oldest friend. Fallen into the pits of despair. Clutching onto alcohol as a way to heal. I know nothing and everything of the pain he felt. However I would soon be reunited with my happy ending. He would not.


"I am Kyojuro Rengoku! My father trained you didn't he?"

"Yes he did. You will serve under me for a while."

I had been asked to evaluate the boy, see if he was Hashira material. I believed he was. My endorsement was given. He reminded me of Shinjuro before the incident. But in a strange way he also reminded me of Korra.


"I can't wait to see her again..." the light shined upon me.

"Have I done it Korra? Have I earned my place beside you?"

"Yes Ozai. You've done well my love. Come let us begin our next journey." I took her hand and followed her into the light. Where ever we went next, we'd be together.


This is just a filler while I wait for the real chapters and the first of many backstory one-shots! Eat up dearies.

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