Senjuro Rengoku

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Kana returned from her patrol with Giyu and found nothing. She was given 3 days of leave and immediately decided it was time to go grocery shopping. Usually it was Sabito's responsibility to shop for groceries but Kana figured since she had the time she would go instead. Here's the kicker, Kana had never been grocery shopping in her life. Kana got ready and made her way to the nearby village's market.

"Hey! Oh no no no! Father is gonna kill me!" A young boy said as he struggled to pick up his groceries. The person who had knocked him over? Well they were answering to Kana. "Don't you think it's rude to knock somebody over and then run away? I do. Apologize to the boy."

"Or what lady? What're you gonna do?" The man said. He was taller and a bit muscular. He was also an idiot. "I don't care if you're a girl you swing at me I'll swing back."

"I don't hit humans unprovoked. Apologize to the boy." Kana said with a smile.

"You know what wench I'm tired of you." The man said as he swung for Kana's face. Kana however, expected this and stopped his fist crunching it between her small fingers. "Would you like to apologize now?" Kana said her face unchanged as her grip tightened.

"I'm sorry I- I'm sorry please let me go." The man pleaded as the pain showed in his face. Kana released him and moved towards the boy. "Are you alright?"

The boy looked up at her, in the commotion she hadn't really gotten a good look at him. She was startled a bit as this boy had a striking resemblance to her fellow Hashira. "I'm alright miss! Thank you!" The boy said as he continued to pick up his groceries.

"Please let me help you. What is your name?" Kana said as she bent down to help him with his things

"My name is Senjuro Rengoku!" Kana's eyes widened. "You're Kyojuro's kin?" She said questioningly.

"Yes, he's my older brother! How do you know him?" The boy said, his eyes sporting confusion.

"I'm Kana Asiguri, the Scorch Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. I know your brother because I work with him!" Kana said enthusiastically.

"Wait I know you! You're the one who's been a Hashira since she was 10. You're the one my brother told me about." Senjuro exclaimed. "Are you shopping here as well?" He asked kindly.

"I'm trying my best, I'm afraid I've never been grocery shopping before. My father or Sabito has always gone. I'm not really sure where to start." Kana said with a smile.

"Oh, I can help you! I do this every week!" Senjuro said while he threw his arms up and down.

"You would help me with this?" Kana said knowing she desperately needed the help.

"Of course! You seem really nice and I have to replace some stuff anyways." Kana nodded and the two made their way through the market. Senjuro showed Kana all the best vendors and how to pick out good produce. He also showed her his favorite place to eat in the small town. Kana purchased her groceries and decided to treat the boy to dinner for his help.

"So you know my father as well?" Senjuro said sheepishly. Kana nodded and said "I used to go on missions with him back when he was a Hashira. All of the Hashira have designated partners for missions that would require two of us! I have always worked closely with the flame hashira's considering my father took Senjuro's place but my official partner right now is Tengen Uzui."

"I know him! He comes to see brother all the time! He says he's a god." Senjuro interjected.

"Ignore him he's not a god, he's annoying. You could say he's like my brother. But back to the partners were due for reassignment within the next few weeks." Kana continued.

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