For Humanity

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"Get your crazy ass up." A voice said strictly.

Kana's lids slowly opened and she met a pair of fuchsia eyes. When her vision lost its subtle blur she realized it was Tengen. He grinned wildly at her.

"See Sabito, tough love is the way." Tengen said excitedly.

"Kana! You're awake!" Sabito's voice said. He soon appeared in her frame of vision, shoving Tengen's rat face away.  "Are you alright?" He asked with warmth in his tone.

"I think so." Kana replied in a shakey voice. Her eyes scanned the room as she sat up. Certain eyes were missing. She moved to get up but was shoved back down by Giyu.

"Stay put. I'll go get him. He's better off than you are." Giyu said sternly. Kana gave him a slight snarl after she'd been forced back down and Giyu disappeared through the door.

"What happened to you? What happened on that train?" Tengen asked. His concern showed that the others had kept their lips sealed about the incident. It was understandable as it was most likely traumatic for all of them. Kana sighed and gave him a somber look.

"To sum it up, I almost died, Misumi is practically dead, Kyojuro almost died, Inosuke almost died, I had to off myself I dream world twice, I was all very traumatic." Kana said, her ramblings pealing away the glaze of shock, leaving only the trauma and pain. She began to grow sporadic as she spoke. "I will never see Misumi again because the only way I can think to wake her is no longer in my power, I let the demon who killed Akira get away.."

Kana was halted from her obscene ramblings when a single finger was placed against her lips. In her commotion she hadn't realized she'd been joined by none other than Kyojuro Rengoku himself. "Calm down Kana. Remember that everything we do is for humanity." He said quickly.

Kana starred at him, he was missing an eye and looked a bit worse for wear but as Giyu said, he was better off than she was. Kana had 4 broken ribs, an almost fatal stab wound, and several cuts from train debris.

"Your eye.." she trailed off. It was obvious, anyone could see she immediately blamed herself.

"Eh.. I suppose this is why we have two right?" Kyojuro said with a slight laugh.

Kana's face softened at his odd timing for a joke. The whole situation felt much more clear now. Nobody had died, at least not that Kana knew of. "The train... we're any passengers harmed?" Kana asked.

"Nobody died. Only some injuries!" Kyojuro said brightly.

Kana let out a sigh of relief and her eyes lit up only for a second. Then the somber dull of them reappeared and she looked straight down. "Misumi?" She said in a questioning tone.

"You'll have to come see for yourself.." Kyojuro said slowly.

Kana nodded and moved to get up. She felt her stomach convulse from her stab wound and looked to Tengen. As if he read her mind, he came over and pulled her out of the bed. She used him as a crutch and they moved to the room Misumi was residing in.

She looked pale, almost dead, but she was still breathing. Her eyes closed and face in a peaceful state. Kana collapsed through the door and scrambled to her side. Her entire heart dropped, she'd done it now. She'd lost another person close to her. It was awful, the pain and grief. It was almost too much to bear.

"I'm sorry Misumi... I'm afraid you will never wake up." Kana said, her words were somber but her tone was dead. She sounded drained and looked like a corpse.

"What do you mean she won't wake up?" Tengen asked quickly.

"Her soul core has been destroyed. There is no way to fix it. At least not a way that I know of." Kana said. "There is somebody who might though." She said, a realization dawning on her.

She got up and walked out of the room, very very slowly. She went outside and raised her hand to the sky. About a minute went by before a red spark descended from the sky at lightning speed.

The spark landed on the ground and from a veil of red smoke came Iroh.

"Ah, it's been a while Kana." He said in his usual tone.

"Iroh I need to send a message to Tamayo. It's urgent." Kana said

"Urgent? It will take me a while to find her but I will carry your message." Iroh replied quickly.

Kana gave him her message and he once again flew off. She missed seeing him, but Iroh was now working on a request she'd given him a while back so she barely saw him anymore. There were occasions but it was never for long. It was never like it used to be.

"What are you doing?" Tengen asked, he was worried to all hell. Though Kana would never know that.

"Sending a letter." Kana said bluntly.

"Did you forget that you've been stabbed? Honestly sometimes you are too much for even me to handle." Tengen said, his palm resting on his forehead.

"I'm fine Tengen, it would appear I've been asleep a while because the strain of my ninth form seems to have worn off." Kana said quickly.

"Get back in here before you pull your stitches." Tengen said through his disappointed noises.

Kana rolled her eyes and very very slowly walked back to the butterfly estate's door. Hopefully Tamayo would have a solution to her Misumi problem.


"So you intend to tell me that you had Kana Asiguri and the demon slayer with hanafuda earrings in your sights and you let them get away?" Muzan said, he'd taken the form of a child now.

"My apologies master, I've failed you." Akaza said with his head hung.

"Get out of my sight." Muzan replied with venom.

Akaza left the room through a window and hurled himself at a tree. "Stupid Kana Asiguri! And the boy with the earrings! What was his deal?" Akaza rambled to himself. "I'll kill them both!"


"ShReK iS loVe" -Levi Ackerman (a slap on titan)

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