The Kana Series pt 3

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"The silent sword is only as good as the one who uses it. Without a weilder, a weapon is nothing." The giant rock of a man known as Gyomei said.

"You aren't making any sense Master Himejima." A student said frantically.

"Take a walk through the trees. I have an important matter to attend to." Gyomei said as he wisked away. Kana had entered the area and he was curious as to why she was here.

"Master Himejima!" Kana said in surprise as he walked down the path opposite her.

"You may call me Gyomei. I am not your master." He said stoically.

"Right, Gyomei. Well then you can call me Kana."

"I had full intentions of doing so." He replied without a second thought.

"Oh, okay." Kana said, she was a bit discouraged. He was intimidating.

"Come. We will speak over tea as to why you have come here." The man said as he walked back up the path.

Kana followed him and when the arrived at a monastery she sat opposite him.

"So why have you come here?"

"The master sent me to observe the other Hashira." Kana said quietly.

"How unfortunate." He replied solemnly.

"What? Why?" Kana asked.

"I thought you'd come to be my friend." Gyomei said with slight anguish on his features.

"Oh! Of course I want to be your friend! Please I'd love if we could be friends." Kana replied sweetly.

"Friends. Yes I'd like that." He echoed. "You came here to learn something so I must ask if you've learned anything yet."

"Surprisingly I have. It's a lesson I've been taught before but I guess it just didn't stick. The classic, don't judge a book by it's cover." Kana said with a smile.

The two drank their tea and talked. They surprisingly had a lot in common.

"Your tension has eased since you arrived. I'm glad we could speak. I've enjoyed your company. Shinjuro is nearby right now. I assume he's last on your list."

"Yes. He is." Kana said in a frightened tone.

"I can sense your fear, I pray for your safety in the waves of unbridled rage and emotion."

"I appreciate it." Kana replied as she stood and made her way to the exit. "Thank you, Gyomei."


Shinjuro was by far the Hashira Kana dreaded meeting the most. She'd heard rumors about his temper. They said only his wife and sons made him truly happy. She wasn't looking forward to meeting him.

She approached the location she'd been given and sighed as she slowed down. She was shaking from the fear.

"Are you just going to stand there or and I going to have to drag you along? Come on, we're going on a mission." Shinjuro grunted from behind her. He smacked the back of the head hard and growled.

Kana jumped away in fear and waved her hands in defense. When he continued to walk, she followed from a distance.

"What kind of mission?" Kana asked.

"We're tracking lower 5." He said nonchalantly. "What are you? An idiot?"

"No." Kana peaked away from the ground.

"Yeah sure. Be ready, we should be getting close soon. It can't run forever. Well I guess it could but what's the fun in that." Shinjuro said.

"I think.. I can sense it." Kana said as she felt a shiver.

"Want a cookie?" Shinjuro taunted.

"Follow me." Kana said speeding past him. She halted and was face to face with a demon who looked like a child.

"That's the one. Let's get this over with." Shinjuro said as he drew his sword.

Kana followed the action and the flame Hashira moved to kill. The demon dodged every ill conceived attack and smiled at the man. It was having fun. As of it could sense his move before he made it.

"My my, so much spirit! So much murderous aura! You two are quite fine specimens!" The child demon giggled. "Let's play some more!"

'Murderous Aura? Spirit?'  Kana thought it herself.

She changed her whole body in a flash. Her features went dark and her movements became callous as of the very will to fight was nothing but a memory. She chased the demon in her fit of lost emotions and caught it within her sights. She looked as if she was on auto pilot.

"Scorch breathing, first form: blazing scorch."

The demons head rolled to the ground and it sobbed. The child screamed and cried. "Mother please! Please come play with me! Play with me one last time."

Kana didn't even blink. She turned away and began to walk. Shinjuro however, was mortified.

"What are you! Some kind of heartless ghost! A shell of a human!" He asked in a frightened tone.

Kana ignored him and continued. She had suppressed her fighting spirit and murderous intent. That demon was using it to track them. An easily underrated power. But now she knew. She'd simply need to get stronger.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" Shinjuro yelled.

Kana turned around and starred into his eyes with a look so hollow. He jumped a bit and backed away. So this was the man she'd feared. She'd learned now, not everything is as scary as it seems.


"... and that boys, is the whole story." Kana said with a smile.

"So from each of them you learned something different huh?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yes! Each one had a different lesson to teach. However, I've carried the lessons long enough. It's time for you three to shoulder that burden. A new day is coming, and when it does I'll find my place in this world. But for you guys it's a different story. Your place, it's much more important than mine. You are the future. Take these lessons in stride and remember them with each step you take. Trust your senses, see the best in people, cherish those you love, don't jump to conclusions, and always conquer your fears. Do this and you will all surpass me."



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