A call to Arms

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It had now been a year since Kana and Kyojuro had gotten married. The two intended to celebrate. A trip was planned to the costal town of Ruin, and a stay at the Kaimain Americana resort. To say the two were excited was an understatement.

It had been 5 months since Misumi awoke, as far as Kana and Kyojuro knew, Tanjiro still hadn't awoken. Pushing one's self past their limit could do that though. Inosuke and Zenitsu were spending some time learning from Sabito. Kana thought it best the two learn from somebody more adept at close combat than herself, plus she felt they needed a babysitter. As for Misumi, since waking she'd officially relinquished her title as tsguko and was working under Mitsuri in her territory now.

Though anniversaries weren't typically a large deal to Kana and Kyojuro, given their line of work, they decided their marriage anniversary would be the one they took seriously.

"It's just me and you... none of your strays... no Tengen... tell me... what would you like to do?" Kyojuro asked.

"I think I want to change my name." Kana said slowly.

"That wasn't what I was expecting. What will you change it to?" He asked sweetly.

Kana deadpanned. "You can't really be that sense can you?" She questioned.

"Hmmmm Kana Rengoku... I hate to be that person but it sounds a little weird." Kyojuro said shyly.

"Yeah but that's because we aren't used to it." Kana said enthusiastically.

"Well if that's what you'd like to do then I'm sure we can make that happen." He said matching her enthusiasm.

"I just was thinking about it earlier and I don't see why not. But besides that, there's this place I wanted to visit." Kana said taking a seat on the bed.

"Really? Where is it?" Kyojuro asked.

"It's called the Uroko Teahouse." Kana replied. "There's also a hot spring near here that's said to have great benefits!"

"Sounds like you've got it all figured out! Maybe I'll just relax and let you take charge." He said with a known smirk.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were making a pass at me." Kana said sarcastically.

"Not at all, though if you want something bad enough your brain tends to make it happen."

Kana scoffed. "What are you suggesting?" She asked with a fake anger lacing her tone.

"I'm suggesting that maybe you want me." He said with a hint of cockiness. A glaze of lust fell over his eyes as they dropped down to her lips.

Their lips connected with a hungry energy, tongues fighting for dominance. Kyojuro pulled away with a devious smile and got up from the bed.

"Oh you tease." Kana said with annoyance.

"There will be plenty of time for that my love. Get ready, we're going to get tea." He said as he disappeared into the bathroom.

"You shouldn't start what you can't finish!" Kana growled after him as she grabbed her clothes.

"I have intentions of finishing what I started love. Just not right now." He said cockily.

Kana rolled her eyes and got dressed, ignoring his subtle laughter. He surely had a way of making her bend to his will.

The two left the resort and made their way to the legendary tea house and hot spring. They arrived as night fell and both were given a menu of the houses tea selection.

Kana began to drink her tea when a shiver fell all over her body. The glass shattered as a vivid image flashed through her mind. A demon with horns and a face that almost looked melted. Another demon that looked like a cloud with improper anatomy. When her vision refocused she scurried to pick up the pieces of broken glass from the floor.

"Stop. Calm down." She heard in her ears.

Hands grabbed hers and forced her to look up from her mess. "Kana please, what happened." Kyojuro asked.

"Nothing just um- just a night terror I guess." Kana said. Her hands were shaking violently and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Come on let's go for a walk." Kyojuro said leading her towards the door after leaving a generous amount of money for the damages and mess.

The two walked until the reached the hot spring nearby and Kyojuro had Kana sit near the water.

"What did you see?" He asked softly.

"Just a demon. Two demons." Kana said slowly.

"Demons? But that's-"

"Hey lovebirds! Let's go, we've got a situation!" Iroh yelled from behind them. He had their swords in his hands and tossed them to the Hashira.

"A situation?" Kana asked, turning her head slightly.

"The sword makers are under attack. You two and pink head are the closest active Hashira." Iroh said.

The Hashira scurried to their feet and both followed Iroh who'd transformed back into a bird. Neither Hashira had time to change so both were out of uniform.

When the Hashira arrived Kana and Kyojuro felt it. Tanjiro was here. As was Mitsuri.

Kana ran in the direction she felt the strongest presence and saw it, the demon from her vision.

"Scorch Breathing, Second form: Burn of the Undying Phoenix."

The boyish looking demon's eyes widened as a blade was plunged deep into his chest. Kana removed the blade and the demon's chest exploded in a sea of red.

She whipped her head around and made eye contact with Mitsuri. The two shared an unspoken look and simultaneously agreed. Kana would focus of the runt while she held off it's creation.

Kyojuro had taken a different direction, finding Muichrio stuck in a bubble.

The flame Hashira was a bit dumbfounded on how to release him though. He didn't have much time to think about it with the onslaught of the new demon now flying for him.

He dodged trying to stay light on his feet, soon finding that he wasn't alone. A swordsmiths was still remaining. Hagenazuka.

"Tanjiro is trying to find the main body! We have to hold them here." Mitsuri said as Kana once again took the demon's head off with no result.

"I see. If this isn't the main body then I guess we'll just have to wait it out." Kana replied with vigor.

She turned her blades and her eyes flashed red as the crimson overtook her blades and the ash marking engulfed her face. She didn't quite notice it but Mitsuri too had developed a marking. The two continued to fight until Kana had reached the energy peak she'd been waiting for.

"Ember Blaze Demon Art: Cage of Hellfire."

Kana grabbed Mitsuri and the two ran to the edge of the cliff where Tanjiro now was.

"Why didn't you do that earlier?" Mitsuri yelled.

"It's a build technique! It requires me to build up energy." Kana replied.

The two watched as Nezuko kicked Tanjiro off of her so her could finish off the real body. Kana's eyes widened in fear but Nezuko didn't burn. Tanjiro killed the original body and in an instance, the tides changed. The final hours of a seemingly never ending war had now begun.


Half tempted to try my hand at some nsfw content. Somebody tell me no rn. Somebody tell me no.

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