The Redlight District pt:2

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"Lady Akana, you truly are beautiful." A young girl from the Kyogoku house said to Kana. She was using the alias Akana and Zenitsu using the alias Zenko.

"Thank you." Kana said calmly.

"What happened to this room is all messed up!" Kana heard Zenitsu's voice yell.

She rushed down the hall and stood in the doorway. A chill flooded her senses. A demon was standing over Zenitsu, and this demon was not like others.

"What're you doing in someone else's room?" The demon asked.

Kana and Zenitsu were both frozen in place. This situation was too dangerous for Kana to fight the demon and she didn't have her blades. Zenitsu obviously had noticed the demon as well.

"Hey are you deaf over there?" The demon asked Zenitsu.

"Warabihime-oiran, that was the girl who came yesterday or the day before so.." two girls who stood behind Kana said.

"Huh? So what of it?" The demon known as Warabihime asked.

Zenitsu stood and waved his hands frantically. "We're sorry for just barging in but the room was a mess and the girl was crying!" He said trying to calm the demon.

"You're so unsightly. It's making me want to barf. Wouldn't it be better if you just died." The demon scoffed at Zenitsu. "What's with your head it's pissing me off. True the room is a total wreck and I told this girl to clean it up!"

The demon grabbed the girl and held her up by her ear. The girl cried out it pain. Kana held back the undying need to kill and took a few steps deeper into the room.

"Now now Oiron, no need for violence." Kana said. The demon grabbed the girl harder and Kana snapped.

She grabbed the demons arm and yanked it away from the girl.

"Honestly for an Oiron you have terrible manners. You should poise yourself more." Kana said as she adjusted her sleeves.

"It do you well not to touch me so leisurely. You'll need some tough discipline. That Smartass mouth needs fixing as well." The Oiron said with a glare.

"Warabihime-Oiron! Please give us a break! The house will open soon and customers will come! I will see that she is punished so please preserve our reputation!" A man said as he bowed deeply on the ground.

"No master I should be apologizing. I've been getting very angry at small things lately. Please see that the new girl goes unpunished. I will get everything ready! Clean this room up!" She said in an uncharacteristic tone.

Kana watched as all the girls around her scurried at the Oiron's words and blended into the crowd cleaning various items. However she could feel the aura, she'd blown her cover.

She grabbed Zenitsu and pulled him aside. "She's coming for me tonight. Be careful Zenitsu." Kana said. She then quickly vanished to do some more cleaning.

Elsewhere Daki was looming over a newfound meal and Tanjiro could smell the impurity. The demon had made herself known now.


Kana awoke in the night, her hips straddled by the demon. Kana gave her a sly smirk and met the eyes of the demon.

"You're a demon hunter aren't you." She asked quickly and intensely.

"What's a demon hunter. Never heard of it." Kana said with a sinister grin. She then grabbed the demons leg and flipped her over so she was on top of her.

"You'll pay for you insubordination!" The demon whined. Before Kana could react the demon had wrapped her in sashes and yanked her to the opposite side of the room. "It do you well to watch your foul mouth little girl."

"You talk like a five year old. Get a grip dearie this isn't little league." Kana said in a bored tone.

"I have you now. I'll destroy the demon slayers." The demon said. Kana began to notice the sashes eating away at her limbs. She was being absorbed.

"That's a lofty goal for a child. But don't worry, once I kill you, you can dream all you want in hell baby demon." Kana said as the sash finished absorbing her.

"Yeah sure." Daki scoffed as she exited the room.


"There's a demon and my place!" Inosuke yelled "it looked like this!" He did a bit of a knock off kung fu pose and waved his hands frantically.

"I think Mister Tengen, Kana, and Zenitsu will show up for our regular meet up." Tanjiro said quietly.

"It took Kana!" Zenitsu yelled.

"Wha-" Tanjiro began.

"I'm afraid I've made a grave error." Tengen said. He arrived without making a sound or drawing any attention. "Kana was taken, her whereabouts are unknown. You three leave now, if there is an upper moon demon here then you can't deal with them. I will regard those missing as dead and move on alone."

"No Mister Tengen!" Tanjiro yelled but he was once again cut off.

"Don't be ashamed, winners stay alive. Don't mess this opportunity up." Tengen said quickly.

"Hold it old man! I'll find the master!" Inosuke yelled after Tengen as he quickly disappeared.

"Maybe he didn't believe in us because of our lowest ranks." Tanjiro said.

"Stop right there Monjiro. We're higher in the ranks than that." Inosuke said. "Watch Master showed me this." Inosuke flexed his hand and a symbol appear.

It read "Kanoe".

"She said is shows our rank. This part right here means Tsguko." Inosuke said

"Cheer up Kentaro!!" Inosuke yelled.

"Yeah now isn't the time, my bad. We have to find Kana. Zenitsu you've been awfully quiet." Tanjiro said slowly.

"It should've been me." He replied quietly.

"What the hell are you on about!" Inosuke yelled "The master would beat your ass for saying that. Just shut up!"

"Kana is way more valuable than me." Zenitsu followed.

"No Zenitsu! You're very valuable." Tanjiro said. "We're going to find Kana. She can't be gone." Tanjiro spoke confidently.

"Yeah Monitsu stop being such a bummer!" Inosuke said angrily.

"I believe Kana and all of Mister Tengen's wives are still alive. I will act with that in mind. You both should too."


"Kanroji do you feel that?" Kyojuro asked Mitsuri. The two were having dinner together.

"No what're you talking about." She questioned with obvious concern.

"I think something is wrong in Yoshiwara." Kyojuro said, "it feels like something happened to.. never mind" he hushed himself and resumed eating.

"If something we're wrong Tengen would send for you right!" Mitsuri said trying to ease his mind.

"You're right it just feels off." He said suddenly losing his appetite.

"Is that a.." Rengoku trailed off at the sight of a Kasugai crow at the window.

He went outside and the crow flew to him quickly. "Kyojuro Rengoku, there is an upper moon in Yoshiwara. Tengen Uzui requests your assistance immediately." The crow said.

"That's at least a days run from here. I've got to start moving." Kyojuro said to Mitsuri who'd followed him out.

"I'll go set dinner. Start running." Mitsuri said waving him off.

"Of course! I'll buy next time Kanroji!" Kyojuro said as he disappeared into the night.


"Damn this is boring." Kana thought to herself in the sash. "I miss my swords."


Next part out tomorrow

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