The Infinity Train Pt. 2

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"Fall deeper... into your dreams..."


Kana awoke on the shore of Lake Oracion. Her cheek caressed by the lakeside breeze. Her hair blow through in a swift current of howling wind. Her lake felt different, her lake felt whole again.

She couldn't explain it, something had changed. Something was altered about her lake since she'd last seen it. Then it hit her. Her mother.

Kana turned around and gazed into her mother's eyes. Eyes she hadn't seen since her childhood. Eyes she'd longed to see.

"M-mother?" Kana questioned.

"Welcome back Kana. Did you enjoy your nap?" He mother teased. She soon took notice of the ghost of a person her daughter had become. "Is everything alright dear?" She questioned.

"Um yeah, I just, I just had a nightmare. That's all." Kana said lightly.

Korra nodded and stood to join her daughter closer to the shore. "Well the nightmare is over now my love. Let's go eat, I think Ozai is cooking tonight."

Kana nodded and followed her mother back to the Asiguri estate. She shoved her feeling of unease down and began to melt into the dream. With each passing second she sunk deeper into the void of her own conscious.


"Hey Misumi!" Akira called.

"Hey what're you doing here?" Misumi questioned.

"I'm gonna go a few rounds. Wanna join?" Akira said gesturing for the training dummy.

"No thanks. Kana had my practicing forms. Who knew scorch breathing could be so difficult to master." Misumi said.

"It's not wind breathing I'll tell you." Akira said.

The girls had a mutual understanding that Kana over-complicated her technique. Every detail of every breath and movement was calculated.

"What're you two slackers doing? Train goddamnit! I didn't take you two in to sit on your asses!" Kana scolded. Both girls sighed and resumed their training.

"Hey Misumi, wanna practice your forms on me?" Akira asked, she had a menacing aura to her. She was plotting something.

"Um, sure. Thanks Akira." Misumi said cautiously.

The girls stood, wooden swords pointing at eachother. Kana had forbid them from using real ones on eachother because the two simply did not get along.

Misumi struck first keeping a steady pace of slashes but as mentioned before, Akira had a plan.

Akira swing her sword low in foul play and laughed as Misumi struggled to her feet.

"What the hell Akira! That's not part of the training!" Misumi yelled.

"You should be prepared for anything." Akira said mockingly.

"You're such a hazard! You could seriously hurt somebody!" Misumi continued to scream.

"Sure." Akira scoffed.


In the real world, assailants sent by Enmu began tying themselves to the demon slayers. One murderer for each slayer.

The sick bastards began to count and invade the subconscious of their unwilling participants.


Kana's ear twitched. She began to feel uneasy, like somehow her life force was in danger. She shrugged it off and continued eating her food. She sat opposite Ozai Gengi and next to her mother.

The Scorch Queen || Rengoku K. || (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now