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The sky had been postcard-perfect. A beautiful cocktail-blue shade. The sun finding it's way from horizon to the summit of sky pierced it's lucid sunlight to the flowing busy people on the pathway, which made their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes and glittered demeanor.

Pushing her arms back and forth, the blonde lady jetted to her destination. Jumping over small pot holes and dodging insects that came in her way. She ran pumping her legs as fast as they could go. Once she finally made it to the bus stop, she checks the time even before having a normal breath.

No way was she going to miss the bus. They are on time. She just hope the bus to be five minutes late today.

The blonde looks behind her back, a small figure stood there.  Her breathing was labored, her legs were tired as well. She wiped away several tears, not because she was crying. The wind was torturing her eyes in this long running match. She rubbed her chest trying to win back her breathing rhythm.

"Ahh, I... can't breathe!" The auburn haired female won a quick glare from the taller.

"Of course, you can't. Why did you run this fast? Look, the bus isn't here yet!" Chaeyoung complains panting as well, she leaned to the pillar to get a support. This time the shorter shooting daggers.

"Why it's so empty today?" Jisoo asked wondering, as she scanned the whole area. It was a working day, how come the bus stop is so quite today.

"I don't know dear.... " The blonde quickly answered. Not really caring to give a satisfying reply. Jisoo sighed.

"Do you have your all certificates? I don't want to happen the same thing again."Chaeyoung stated a ridiculous smirk danced upon her lips as she watched the smaller's reaction. Jisoo nodded not forgetting to send an intense glare.

The two young ladies are on their way to attend an interview. After graduating they have been looking for a job for a long time now. If my calculations skills are on point this will be 7th interview of them attending. Like everytime they are having a big hope.

Who will be not afterall? They're getting interviewed by the one of the most successful companies in Seoul. Jeon's Co. is a marketing company which is internationally recognized. It's a great opportunity for two rookie job seekers. So why not give it a try? Nothing will harm them right?

"Why the bus is not here yet?" Chaeyoung questioned, seeking at her wrist watch again, her gestures didn't show she was giving it a big care.

"How can I know that? I wish we can attend the interview on time. " Jisoo whined. She seemed kind of panicking. I'm not gonna deny the fact, among these two Jisoo will be the one who have a bit of maturity level up from the blonde.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo aren't just friends, they are actually related by blood. Chaeyoung's father has a younger sister who is Jisoo's mother. Chaeyoung and her parents used to be in abroad, but when Chaeyoung started highschool they moved back in. From then the two family lives together like one. This have been years now, they are quite comfortable with everything.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo graduated from the same university at the same year. All those times they never had other friends than themselves. So they're each other's bestfriend, to be frank they are two sisters who missed the chance to have one mother.

"Umm, is that someone fighting there?"
Chaeyong said pointing at a distance to something which suddenly grabbed her attention at the moment. Jisoo whipped her head in instant, "Where?"

"There...look someone is dragging someone." Chaeyoung conformed, finally having the clear vision of the scene. They didn't think much before heading to the spot.

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