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And no one couraged to spoke up. Only her fainting snifflings was heard. Lisa rested her head on Jisoo's shoulder as the latter sat beside her running her hand over her back. Chaeyoung held the younger's hand in hers, caressing it in a slow rhythm.

Lisa looked broken, her tears had imprinted their way on her pale cheeks. She knew what she had done and she admits she deserved the slap her mother had placed on her left cheek. It didn't hurt as much as her father's silence. She hated how he didn't yelled out or even scolded her.

He just kept quiet, and it worried her more than the sensitive gaze of her sister. Lisa wouldn't dare say anything against Jennie, she can see the disappointment in her eyes for their youngest.

All before letting them know, she knew, she expected this to happen. But it amused her how her two brothers didn't show many anger. Lisa expected it to be Taehyung or Jungkook to lose their control first opposite they were who dealed with the furious Shinhye.


"No, Jungkook! You won't say a word for her, not anymore." Shinhye warned, pointing her finger at the female beside Chaeyoung who sobbed silently in Jisoo's comfort.

The air in the living room was so thick making Lisa wanting to escape from there. She bit her bottom lip, avoiding any sounds coming from her. Jisoo's grip on the other had tightened a bit right then.

"I can understand your emotions, Mom. But we should understand her too-"

Shinhye interrupted Taehyung on halfway. "No, we don't have to. Did she thought of us for a second before deciding something like this on her own? Did she thought of her father? Of me? Of you? She'd grown that much to consider us as strangers, then why we have to understand her?" She scoffed, her hurt and the pure disappointment showing in her outburst.

Each words was a dart to Lisa's heart, she just heard her not even having the courage to spoke up for herself. She'd given up, all heartedly welcoming any kind of punishments her loved ones have for her.

Taehyung stood up, walking to his mother. She'd looked away from him, wiping away her dry tears. "She's our little one, mom. Our Lish. Maybe she was wrong, but now when she needs us the most. How could we turn around on her?"

Shinhye broke down, her head falling to her son's chest as she cried, hugging him close. Taehyung had kissed her head crown, afterwards caressing her hair.

"Did you saw your father? He looks like he lost everything, Taehyung. How could she do that to us? To him?"

Taehyung didn't had to look at his father, he had already noticed how that old man was all silent from the start. How he looked so wasted just by seated there.

"Mom, please. We all are mature. Things aren't supposed to turn out like this. We should understand Lish." Jungkook's voice rose as he explained.

Shinhye pulled away from Taehyung, glaring at her younger son. "Well, I'm not that mature like you then." She scoffes. "And even if I was, your father's state will make me rethink my decision."

"He just needs some time. While you're acting like disowning Lisa." Jungkook snapped in response. Making Shinhye more furious.

"You're dragging what to what, Jungkook?"


"Everyone, stop." Jongsuk stood up to create a barrier between the tensed pair. "Look, this wasn't supposed to be an argument between you both." Turning his head slowly to Jungkook, he shot his son a look that dared Jungkook to continue his persistence. Jungkook lowered his head.

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