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But Jisoo were completely ignorant about someone who are crying mess in another room which is only one or two rooms far from her.

Few hours ago,

"Aish.. This angry brat." Jaehyun annoyingly said seeing Euwoo's irk. He turned back to give those three ladies death glares. They were standing still in the sacred face made by Eunwoo's performance.

"Sir, is everything fine?" One of the workers in the cafeteria asked watching the chaotic scene happened a while ago.

"Yes. Everything is fine. Can you please send the coffee to my office room?" Jaehyun asked rubbing his forehead frustratingly.

"Sure Sir." The worker said and bowed before getting back to his work area.

Jaehyun immediately walked to his office. He take seat on the chair after getting inside. He leaned to the chair making it lightly bend back.

"I also feel angry when I heard them. But a thought dragged me backward. Jungkook and Chaeyoung were not in a good mode from the start. But now I don't think so. He changed, Taehyung changed. They were so uncomfortable with girls. But now, evertime Chaeyoung and Jisoo are in their offices. So there is no point if I say those ladies were completely wrong." Jaehyun grumbled to himself with a saddened voice.

"But no Jaehyun! Chaeyoung isn't like that. We can't change everyone's attitude but you can't misunderstand her. She is really sweet and innocent, people get envious of them because of that. So take it easy Jaehyun. Chaeyoung isn't like that." Jaehyun assured himself patting his chest continuously.

"And al-"

"Sir your coffee is here." Someone announced loudly making Jaehyun's train of thoughts to cutoff. His face turned to a confused one spotting the female. But it quickly mutated into a genuine smile.

"I didn't know that you were a cafeteria worker too. Chaeyoung." He mocked at her.

"I was coming to give you this file, and when I saw the worker heading here for this. So I thought why shouldn't I? Wae? Didn't you like it?" Chaeyoung asked raising an eyebrow at him with a small pout.

"I didn't say that." Jaehyun stated as Chaeyoung smiled brightly at him. She placed the cup in his table and extended the file to him. He instantly taked it and without letting Chaeyoung to repeat herself he signed it.

"Are you were late today? I didn't spot you at your cabin in the morning." Jaehyun inquired inbetween signing the files.

"Me and Jisoo went to meet Jennie Eonni. So we came back at noon."Chaeyoung answered mirthfully as Jaehyun looked up to her.

"Wae? Anything special?" He asked.

"Nothing, just a meet up." Chaeyoung carelessly replied.

"Oh." He let out a small word and continued signing.

"Here. It's done."Jaehyun said handing the file back to Chaeyoung as she politely take it.

"Then see you later Jaehyun." Chaeyoung said smiling and bowing at him.

"Wait, you should return back the mug to the cafeteria." Jaehyun joked showing the coffee cup to her.

"Yah. I'm not your maid." Chaeyoung countered as he chuckled.

"I will finish it now. Wait a minute." He teased Chaeyoung more before sipping the coffee.

"Yahhh.. " Chaeyoung yelled annoyingly and motioned the file slapping him. But like she thought, the file didn't stopped. It hit the cup making the hot coffee to fall over him.
Chaeyoung gasped in horror while Jaehyun immediately stood up from his chair and started to fan his chest.

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