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(Author Pov)

Jisoo and Chaeyoung are having a walk with Dalgom through the pathway and enjoying the night view of Seoul city.

"Chae, Don't you think that Dalgomie is getting fat." Jisoo asked looking at the short white dog which is having a walk without understanding what they are talking about.

"Dae. I think so too. When I carried him he was quite heavy. " Chaeyoung said.

"We have to arrange a dieting chart for Dalgom. I can't see him being a fatball dog like Jimmy. " Chaeyoung said with a weird face.

"Jimmy? Who Jimmy? " Jisoo asked.

"Chu. Jimmy, Dara Ajumma's Dog. Don't you know? " Chaeyong asked.

"Ohh.. That one. Oh my god. I can't even imagine our Dalgomie like that . Our Dalgom is cute when he is tiny. Right? " Jisoo said kneeling down and patting Dalgom's head. He wagged his tail and barked softly. Chaeyoung giggled.

"Chu. We should go and buy the dinner now. What if the restaurant close. " Chaeyoung said Jisoo standup and nodded her head.

"Chae. I will go and buy some noodles from the grocery store you go and buy the dinner. " Jisoo said.

"Wae? We can go buy it together."

"We can Chae. But what if the grocery store get close while we buying the dinner. I really want to eat noodles. " Jisoo said making puppy eyes.

"Ok. Ok whatever. Don't get late. I will be waiting for you here. Do you want to take Dalgom with you? " Chaeyoung asked.

"Aniyo. He will cause me trouble while crossing the road. You should take care of him. " Jisoo said.

"Dae. Don't take more time. Okay? " Chaeyoung asked. Jisoo nodded her head and headed to the grocery store where she usually goes.

"Come Dalgomie.. We should buy dinner. Do you want dinner too. Hmm? " Chaeyoung asked him while walking to her favorite restaurant. Dalgom wagged his tail and followed her.

(Jisoo's Pov)

After getting Chaeyoung's permission I went to the grocery store. This is already the closing time so the store was quite empty. I opened the door making the bell rang which is placed on the top of the door for informing the owner about customers. The shop owner is an old lady, Miss Clara. I used to saw her at my younger age. Me and Chaeyoung are one of her regular customers. She smiled widely seeing me as I walked to her.

"What happened? Didn't pop up for two days? Where is your friend. Huh? " She asked me.

"Sorry Ajumma. We were busy with something. " I said and pinched her cheek softly. And she giggled.

"How were your Interviews then? " She asked me. When we last met I said her about our Interview in the Jeon Company. And pray for us. That's why she is asking.

"That went really good. And now we have a Job Ajumma. "I said proudly crossing my arms.

"Ohh.. Daebak! Congratulations. Tell your friend too. " She said smiling brightly at me.

"Dae. I will. " I said and smiled back.

"Then, what brings you here? Noodles? " She asked as I nodded my head like a kid. She patted my head. Me and Chaeyoung are addicted to Noodles. Everytime we comes here for buy Noodlepack.

I quickly went to the noodles section and take 6 packs and immediately ran to the counter back.

"Only 6! Wae? " She asked me while typing the bill.

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