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Taehyung immediately locked his room door after getting in, to avoid anyone else to overhear the outrage gonna burst out now from the room.

The first thing dragged his attention from there was a small chair as he instantly taked it and throw away somewhere in the room. But that wasn't nothing to calm down his anger which is increasing time by time. As he made his way to the pillows on the bed to everything in the room which cought by his sight.

"Hyeong!" Jungkook called hitting on Taehyung's door. Instead of going to his room, he came to check on his brother. But Taehyung is so busy in damaging the space he didn't mind to answer him.

"Hyeong? Open the door." Jungkook again called not getting any response from Taehyung. But still Taehyung didn't listen to him, as Jungkook had to call him again.

"Hyeong, I said open the door. Hy-" Jungkook's words cutoffed when the door opened as a impact of his hitting, signalising Taehyung had opened it for him.
Jungkook immediately came in after locking the door again and met with Taehyung who were sitting on his bed, with a unclarified expression. Jungkook's heart ached at the scene as he instantly approached Taehyung completely ignoring the condition of the room.

"Hyeong. Just calm down. Everything will be fine." Jungkook said kneeling down infront of him and rubbing Taehyung's thigh. Taehyung looked up to his brother, a tear rolling down through his chin, he engulfed him.

"Kookie, why is this only happening to us? Why are we always helpless?" Taehyung questioned in the embrace as Jungkook also started weeping, thinking about their sinless situation.

"I don't know hyeong. Don't we have the right to be happy too? Don't god wants us to? Huh?" Instead of answering, Jungkook attacked him with another question which obviously Taehyung can't answer.

Abruptly someone hitted on the door making the boys to broke the hug and look back to the door.

"Open the damn door Taehyung!" Jennie commanded hitting the door more loudly. She sounded angered with tears. As Jungkook wiped his tears before going after the door to open it for her. While Taehyung also straightened himself.

"What the hell are you both doing? Huh?" Jennie yelled entering the room, without wasting anytime after Jungkook opened the door.

"Noona!" Taehyung called motioning her to keep down the voice. While Jungkook immediately locked the door.

"I don't care if anyone hear me. I don't fucking care." Jennie shouted at him with the same irritation.

"Why did you both done that? Why didn't you completely ignored Appa's decision." Jennie questioned, she sounded concerned while the annoyance were crepting up on her.

"I want answers Misters." Jennie asked in a clipped tone, tired of Jungkook and Taehyung's silence.

"Then what you wanted us to do Noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Denial. You both had denied him." Jennie retorted making them again speechless.

"I can't believe, you both agreed to marriage those Sana and Tzuyu. Who had already broked your hearts once. " Jennie said, her eyes emitted disgusts while pronouncing their names.

"I will not let this happen until my last breath. I will never." She announced. Not getting any response from Taehyung and Jungkook, she turned around in her heels to walkout as Jungkook spoke.

"How will you stop it Noona?" Jennie breaked in her track before rotating back.

"What do you mean how?" She asked igniting confusion.

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