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(Jisoo's Pov)

We were on the way to our home. And what is surprising me is our monster bosses are dropping us. Chaeyoung and I were glancing at each other unbelievably. How can we believe this. The cold, rude, monsters dropping us. Even everything is happening unbelievable.
We were so scared when those mans approached us. Chaeyoung was forgetting herself and was trying to protect me. She is so silly. I love her so much. But thanks to Jungkook Sir and Taehyung Sir. If they didn't come in time i don't know what horrible thing have happened. They are not that bad who we are thinking of them. They helped us. But this is also true that we get in trouble because of them. So they have to save us. Right.
My thoughts cutoffed by a cold voice.

"Actually where is your home? " Jungkook sir asked us. I can clearly see that He was feeling embarrassed about asking us. Chaeyoung looked at me and started to explain him the directions. He nodded his head in understanding. I looked up to Taehyung sir who was completely annoyed by our presence. I sighed and looked outside.
30 minutes later we reached our house and me and Chaeyoung got out from the car.

"Thank you sir for giving us a ride. " I said to them politely. But they just nodded their heads coldly.

"Do you want to come inside.? " Chaeyoung asked them with a bright smile. But unknowingly i smirked at her question. Obviously they will not.

"Wae? Why would we? No. " Jungkook sir said and give her a glare. Chaeyoung backoff. I excepted it.

"Then. See you later bosses. Have a nice ride and good night. " I said to them politely and we bowed to them. Not surprise they leave without saying anything. I looked up to Chaeyoung. She awkwardly smiled at me and said.

"Are not we expecting something which will never happen. "

"Dae. They will greet back us in our dreams. " I said and sighed. She nodded. We walked to the door and press the door bell. Immediately the door opened showing ajumma. And before we should greet her she dragged us for a embrace.

"Where were you both? Don't you know how much we were worried? Huh? " She asked us.

"Dae. Ajumma w-"

"Ji-eunaaa.. They are home. Don't have to call them. " I cutoffed by her yelling. Me and Chae covered our ears. Because her volume were really up.

"Ahh.. They are home... " Eomma said coming from the living room. She ran to us and dragged us for a another hug.

"Eomma. What are you doing. Leave us. We can't breathe.. " I said in the tight embrace. She let go of us. Ajumma and Eomma started to attack us with questions.

"Where were you both? Huh? "

"Where is your phone?. How many times we called you both back to back. "

"Do you know how much worried we were? We was about to call the cops. But Ji-won said we should inform your Appas first. "

"Dae. And how did you reach here.Who dropped you. And why are you not answering. Huh? "

"EOMMA" Me and Chae shouted together.

"How can we answer it if you ask us like this. You should give us a opportunity first to answer it. " Chae said as I nodded my head. Ajumma and Eomma looked at us and sighed.

"We had some more work at our first day. That's why we are late. "

"Our phones are off because of battery loss. That's why we didn't get any calls from you. "

"Nothing happened to us so there's no need to call the cops. "

"And lastly our bosses dropped us home. " Me and Chae explained them one by one as they nodded their heads in understanding.

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