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"Jisoo and Chaeyoung will be our daughter-in-laws." Shin-hye announced loudly. The pleasant smile were describing her happiness.

"WHAT?" Jungkook and Taehyung's eyes widened like, it will came out any time. As they both stared at each other unbelievably.

Time goes back,

With the anxiety and panic Mrs Choi made her way to the first row chairs to find her husband and Jong-suk.

"Mr Jong-suk. There...have a problem." She informed getting near them. Her eyes were full of fear.

"What happened Mrs Choi? Is everything fine?" The mutation of the happy smile to a worried face was really fast in Jong-suk. Shin-hye, Mr Choi and Jimin's eyes were fixated on her and her each panicked movements.

"Sana and Tzuyu are missing!" She declared voicing down. Her eyes danced with fear while looking at Jong-suk and Shin-hye.

"What are you saying Mrs Choi? They will be there anywhere. You will not have checked inuff." Shin-hye comforted herself and everyone with a nervous chuckle.

"No..Shin-hye, it's not like that. I was gone to the bathroom for few minutes. But when I came back. Tzuyu and San weren't there. I looked everywhere, even outside. They... They aren't found anywhere." Mrs Choi, reported standing in the edge of crying. Mr Choi immediately made his way to his wife surpassing the shocked figures.

"Jong-suk-shii Come, we should talk inside. Please come." Mr Choi suggested, noticing some peoples purring already. He walked away with his wife, giving her a support by perching his arm around Mrs Choi's shoulder.

"What is now happening here, Jong-suk." Shin-hye asked, her eyes were describing her worrisome. While Jong-suk stared at his wife with a poker face, not knowing what to do at this moment.

"Abeoji, You both should go inside. I will join you after some time." Jimin suggested. Jong-suk immediately looked back to nod his head in response. Then he didn't let a minute to pass, footing towards the room with shin-hye.

Jimin worriedly eyed at the anxious figures , standing beside the priest on the stage, before walking to them.

In the meantime, the whole situation were watched by some more people too.
"I don't think, everything is fine." Jennie commented seeing Jong-suk and shin-hye walking away.

"Now completely not." Lisa voiced pointing at Jungkook and Taehyung leaving from the stage as the rest three girls looked after her before gazing up to Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Something is wrong. Come lish, we should know what it is." Jennie orederd before following her father's path.

Lisa was about to keep up with her sister, but paused herself in her track.
"Aren't you both coming?" Lisa asked to Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

"Ani, Lish. it will be not good, if we come. You go, we will wait here." Jisoo denied.

"No Eonni. You both come with me."

"No Lish-"

"I said, come with me." Lisa ordered cutting off Chaeyoung from her words before walking away. Jisoo and Chaeyoung seeked at each other and they sighed together before finding their way to get after Lisa.


"Can anyone tell us, what is happening here?" Jennie enquired entering the room with Lisa, Jisoo and Chaeyoung. Her face frowned in confusion seeing Shin-hye sitting on the couch, kepting her palm on her head, like something happened wrong. While Jong-suk were standing there, looking completely sinless.

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