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It finally hit three. The winds were steadly blowing, the sound of waves crashing into the ocean could be heard in the background. The outdoor was filled with cheers and more clapping, as the guests were either at their tables chatting to eachother or slightly dancing on the dance floor in the center.

As the party continued on for the next couple of hours and everyone was having a great time. It was refreshing to have fun time like this, the atmosphere was pleasant, everyone's energy was high, nothing could ruin the amazing evening everyone was experiencing.

But at one of the corner, two females stood close to each other, starting to get all tired from the partying they've been doing. Something that also contributed to the exhaustion of the pair, were the food they must've eaten. Jisoo and Chaeyoung learned today, that eating a big meal and dancing hard on the dance floor, can really wear you out.

Jisoo browsed the isles of chairs, to find a good seat. Chaeyoung followed her along as they sat down in the middle section, having a good view of everything. Chaeyoung smiles to herself, watching the newly wedded couple trying to keep up with every single infamous guests and the family's close friends who'd came to the ceremony.

"Don't try to stay sober today" Their head slowly turned to the left, Jisoo's eyes furrowed staring at the tray of stacked glasses the latter was carrying. Flashing them a bright smile, Tzuyu sat down too, also placing the tray on one of the chairs. "Let's just enjoy"

Tzuyu took a drink, but before she could get a little sip, Jisoo's hand came over snatching the glass out of her hand. "No more drinking! You're already drunk enough." Jisoo scolded, setting the drink down.

Tzuyu giggled, "I know. But I'm just so happy that you all came." Her words slurred and she smiled like maniac.

"She's absolutely wasted" Chaeyoung heaved a sigh.

"Tzuyu, should I get you water or something?" Jisoo enquired, worried about the latter's drunken state. But Tzuyu dragged back Jisoo who'd stood up to get water.

"No!" Jisoo could hear the firmness in her voice as she sighed. "Just listen what I've to tell." She smiled nodding, patting her hand in hers.

"Thank you for coming today. Thank you for helping me with planning all this." Tzuyu innocently smiled, and Chaeyoung probably found her adorable like that. "I'm sure unnie must want to thank you both." Tzuyu's eyes glittered watching her sister on the stage.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung also jerked their heads in that direction. There stood Sana with her hands clinged to her husband's arms. She looked happy when their eyes met, Sana waves in tiny at them where Jisoo and Chaeyoung waved back in response as well.

No one who looks at these people now would never guess one year back, in what state they were in. Not even they had expected them to be here. Like someone said, time heals everything, everyone.

Past isn't what they wants to talk about. Past mistakes and regrets needed to be treated as past only. One year ago when they'd renewed this relationship together, the decision was mutual to forgive each other and just move on. And until now they'd never regretted that decision, they're happy now, so happy to the point, they don't even have time to think about past memories.

"Please someone save me from this two!" Jisoo and Chaeyoung's head shot up to the voice while the not so sober Tzuyu only giggled behalf of them. There comes Jennie carrying her 2 year old daughter in her arms and Jimin waddled behind his wife, the carrier and the baby bag in his hands.

Along with the number one disaster Lisa plus her not so calm husband Sehun. Sure, Jennie was seeking help to save her from these two.

"Staaa" Lisa tries to communicate with Eunchae while Sehun just stares at his wife with a disgusted expression on his face.

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