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"No need." Jisoo weirdly eyed at the phone before placing it back.

"What happened to your phone? Why are you using mine?" Chaeyoung asked coming back from Jaehyun's room and making Jisoo to lightly surprised.

"I just answered a call for you." Jisoo replied. Chaeyoung just stared at her for more words. Jisoo smirked before walking back to her desk and taking seat. Chaeyoung's eyes followed the figure.

"If you don't want to get fired, get in Jungkook Sir's office." Jisoo voiced with the same wide smirk.

"You mean Jungkook Sir called?" Chaeyoung questioned in the edge of panicking.

Jisoo nodded her head with a mocking smile "He said you stoled some of his important files."

Without wasting anytime for thinking, Chaeyoung ran to Jungkook's office making Jisoo to chuckle.

Chaeyoung breaked infront of the door to steady up herself.
"M-may I come in Sir?" She knocked on the door.

Waiting for a response, gifted her a disappointment. As she cleared her throat before knocking on the door again.
"Sir, May I co-"

"Come in." Chaeyoung were already expecting a cold voice from inside, but she got frightened when the voice sounded much more rude and colder than ever. She inhaled deeply, before hesitantly rotating the door knob and walking in.

The moment she got in, Jungkook welcomed Chaeyoung with his death glare making her to scarefully bow to him. Chaeyoung didn't take more steps to him.

"Did you enter my cabin before I get here?" Jungkook inquired, the gesture were all same.
Chaeyoung nodded her head as a answer.

"Words Miss Park Chaeyoung." He ordered cruelly.

"D-dae Sir. I did." She stammered.

"Why?" His death glare sharpened.

"To.. To clean your room S-"

"Didn't i warned you to not do things for me? Huh?" Jungkook asked more like shouted making Chaeyoung to gulp down her own saliva.

"I have already warned you and now save this in your mind, you and your so-called friend are here only because of our Noona. Otherwise we should had kicked you both out a long time ago. So if you want to be here stay away from us. STAY. AWAY.!" He stated with the whole irritation, he have been feeling after the call. While there Chaeyoung's heart ached for million times. She stared at him with tears engulfed eyes which Jungkook didn't even noticed.

She looked up to clear the tears, before replying him.
"Dae, Sir. I understand."

"Now, tell me where the file is and leave my office in a flinch." Jungkook enjoined making Chaeyoung confused.

"W-which file Sir?" She inquired with the same face as Jungkook again locked his cold gaze on her.

"The file which were on my cabin, HERE" Jungkook hitted his table. Chaeyoung flinched at the sudden loud thud.

"I...I don't know Sir. I just cleaned your room and left. I didn't taked none of your files." Chaeyoung confessed as she felt like he was accusing on her.

"Then you are saying I'm lying."

"I didn't said that Sir. I guess you didn't checked inuff. Let m-"

"NO NEED! I can take care of my things myself." Jungkook shouted stopping Chaeyoung on her way as she frowned.

'Then why didn't you find it yourself?Why did you need to call me?" Chaeyong's innermind ridiculed but immediately stopped when Jungkook's eyes stared at her.
Jungkook diverted his eyes from her to ask something.
"How many shirts today ripped?"

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