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"Who are you dialing, Jichu? You are trying for a while." Chaeyoung asked turning her from the laptop and seeking at Jisoo who are dying to call someone.

"Jennie Eonni! To ask how was the party. She were really excited for it. Right?" Jisoo reasoned again dialing her number.

"Oh. But didn't Eonni said, she will call us after the party." Chaeyoung inquired.

"Yes. But none calls she did. And I'm now trying Eonni, from yesterday. Her phone is switched off."

"Didn't you called Lish? "

"She is not accepting the calls." Jisoo answered disappointly hearing the same statement from the phone "The person who you are trying to call is not currently answering your calls. Ple-" not hearing more she ended the call.

"They will be busy or something. Eonni will call us when she will be free. But why are you so interested in it?" Chaeyoung asked curiously raising an eyebrow at her.

"I were just worried when she didn't call, like she said. And also you know, Eonni never switch offs her phone." Jisoo replied making Chaeyoung to nod her head in agreement.

"Ah. Whatever, I guess she and Lish are busy. Just don't disturb them. Right?" Jisoo asked for assurance where Chaeyoung again nodded to her as agreeing with her. As they both get back to their own works.

"Then where the file, which i gave you yesterday?" Jisoo asked completely leaving the past topic making Chaeyoung to divert her attention from her laptop again.

"Oh. The one you said me to signed done by Jaehyun?" Chaeyoung asked for a clarity.

"Ah. Dae, That one. Where is it?" Jisoo asked extending her hand for the file.

"Hm.. I guess, it will be here... " Chaeyoung voiced, looking for the file all around her table. Making Jisoo to have a small heart attack.

"Don't tell me Chaeng. You lost it." Jisoo asked in the starting point of panicking.

"No. Chu.. It's here, just can't find." Chaeyoung answered, she stood up from her chair and started looking for the file more intensely and fastly.

"Ahh.. Chaengg!! How can you do this to me." Jisoo whined like a toddler before approaching Chaeyoung's desk.

"No Chu. It's here. I didn't lost the file." Chaeyoung defended herself inbetween the hunt.

"Taehyung sir will kill me with his stare when he knows that i losted the file. Where is the file Chaeng?" Jisoo again questioned partnering Chaeyoung to find the file.

"I'm sure Jichu. I didn't lost it. It's somewhere here." Chaeyoung reasoned fastening her hands move.

"Then, you are completely lying Chaeyoung!" Someone said from behind making the both to turn their attention towards the voicer.

"You forgot this in my cabin." Jaehyun said lifting up the red covered file in the air. As Jisoo freed a relief sigh and Chaeyoung hit her head for her careless.

Jaehyun approached them with the same wide smile and extended the file to Jisoo.
"She had many things to take care of there. That's why she missed it."

"It's fine Jaehyun. And Sorry Chaeng, i were worried when, this hadn't found." Jisoo said smiling brightly as she found her oxygen to live while Chaeyoung smiled at her before smiling to Jaehyun. And he welcomed it with the same grin.

"Actually I were here to have a favor." Jaehyun sounded nervous there.

"What is it Jaehyun? Go ahead." Chaeyoung approved.

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