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Author's Pov

"Ani, Chaeng wait..!" Jisoo screamed. "Let me help you. You are gonna drop it." She added, afraid of what will happen if the photo phrame breaks. It looks expensive, and of course huge.

This both were determined to clean the whole home today. From the morning until now it is ongoing.

The clock is showing sharp 9 in the night. But still Taehyung and Jungkook aren't home yet. Today was supposed to Jisoo and Chaeyoung's working day too. But after marriage being their husband's PA doesn't sounded good for Jong-suk. As he offered them a much more better position in the company. While Jisoo and Chaeyoung weren't fine with it. And finally they choosened this option, being housewives!

This morning too, Taehyung and Jungkook ignored their breakfast. But still Jisoo and Chaeyoung prepared them dinner. And without having theirs, they are waiting for them to get home. Hoping at least, can have dinner together.

"You almost dropped this." Jisoo accused hanging back the phrame, with Chaeyoung's help. But the latter just passed a mischievous smile making Jisoo chuckle.

"So we are done?" Chaeyoung asked. "Hm. Skipping their rooms, we cleaned every one." Jisoo responded, making the other nod.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung jumped in surprise, when a carhorn was heard. They both got the signal, of their husbands arrive. Before changing their positions or something, Jungkook and Taehyung had already got in. Without any conversing, they both were approaching their own rooms.

While Chaeyoung spoke, Jisoo wasn't letting her to be hush. "Aren't you both gonna have dinner too?" She was unknowingly sounding afraid of something. But this surely made the listeners stop in their tracks.

"We already had ours." Jungkook responded. Where Jisoo and Chaeyoung hurtly 'oh'ed. Next Taehyung quiered "Didn't you both?" making them gaze up from the floor.

"No." Jisoo shooked her head along answering him. Taehyung and Jungkook had a short time eye contact, before diverting back to Jisoo and Chaeyoung. "We had told you to don't wait for us." The girls didn't responded to Jungkook's this statement, he was somehow calm.

"We aren't really hungry. Have your dinner and sleep." Taehyung belted.

"We aren't sure about not repeating this again. So please don't wait for us. Have your meals in time." Jungkook added. Where the girls found this moment unbelievable.

They are worried about them. It will be their last wish. Jisoo and Chaeyoung smiled genuinely, nodding their heads. Now it didn't hurted, seeing Taehyung and Jungkook walking away without returning the same grin. As now inside, they are feeling so fine.

"They are changing Jichu." Chaeyoung commented leaving her husband's back. "Yes. They are." Jisoo agreed diverting her eyes from Taehyung. They widely smiled at each other.

"Come, I'm hungry." Chaeyoung dragged the smaller towards the kitchen. Picking enough food and placing eachother beside, they started enjoying their own dishes, on the dining table. Not to make other low, they didn't forget to compliment each other's dishes.

As for them, this dinner, were somehow felt happy after a long time.

Taehyung's Pov

'She is happy!' I assumed watching them from upstairs. I don't know why I get changed quickly to check on them.

They are happy! Then It's not like we are wrong, we are doing wrong to them. But still, I have guilty over something.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.
Jisoo and Chaeyoung weren't supposed to be our wives. But they are!
They weren't supposed to be hurt by us. But now they are.
Everythings were supposed to be something else. But now, this is happening. This is reality.

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