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Taehyung had a walk to the corner of the room from another corner time to time tightening the tie grip on his neck. As he continuesly doing it.
He hesitantly take a glance at his brother who was sitting on the luxury sofa, rubbing his hands to each other.
'Is he nervous?' Taehyung frowned at the sight.

"Kookie, Are you fine?" Taehyung voiced to the younger making him immediately gaze up.

"Are you really expecting me to do fine now?" Jungkook retorted, a weak chuckle were present on him.
Taehyung throwed his eyes to a couch in the room before going to take seat there.

"But guess like you are completely not. Wae? Are you nervous?" This time Jungkook concerned towards his brother. Taehyung seeked at him before spoke.

"It was supposed to be a nervous situation, But I'm not." Taehyung replied passing the same careless chuckle. Jungkook nodded his head lightly before diverting his sight from the older.

"Can we come inside?" The excusing knock on the door were quiet easy to grab the two young Mans attention as they both looked up to the source.

Jungkook and Taehyung's face mutated to a unsatisfied expression spotting Jaehyun and Eunwoo outside the room. They both looked away from them without answering. Making Eunwoo and Jaehyun to sigh before stepping inside.

"Are you both still angry towards us." Jaehyun asked stepping more close to them.

"This is your wedding day guys. At least drop the anger now." Eunwoo suggested passing a small grin.

Yes, Wedding day! Today is the day when Taehyung and Jungkook will get married according to Mr Jong-suk's decision. As everything's are completely done by Jong-suk himself, for this special event.
Only some people's unagree, or else everything is perfect.

Getting silence for a while from the well-dressed groom's, Eunwoo sighed before moving closer to Taehyung, to start a conversation again.
"Tae, Are you hearing me?" He tapped on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung looked up to spoke something but someone interrupted.

"Did we intrupt you all?" Lisa asked nervously eyeing at the boys. Taehyung and Jungkook just ignored the question and get back to the past attitude. As Lisa's stare moved to Eunwoo and Jaehyun.

"Aniyo, you didn't Lisa." Jaehyun answered expressing a bright smile as she welcomed it with the same feeling. Jaehyun smiled to Jennie, who was standing beside Lisa with a unhappy face. Jennie responded faking a weak smile.

"I guess you all will have something to talk about. We can talk later too. So carry-on." Jaehyun stated politely.

"Eunwoo Come." Jaehyun called for his friend. Which his friend immediately followed. Jaehyun and Eunwooo lastly glanced at Taehyung and Jungkook before exiting but they ignored them. Not showing the disappointment, Eunwoo and Jaehyun walked out biding Jennie and Lisa.

The sisters waited for few seconds more before getting in to walk to their brothers. As they get in, Jennie kept a distance from Jungkook and Taehyung while Lisa walked near them.
"Eomma said, put this on." Lisa extended two handkerchiefs towards them. Taehyung and Jungkook ogiled at her hand before seeking at her. They both take it.

Taehyung stoodup from his couch for made his way to the mirror while Jungkook decided to setup the pocket square on him in the sitting position.

"Now only one hour left for the wedding Tae." Jennie reminded, noticing Taehyung glancing at her through the mirror.

"That we obviously know." Jungkook chuckled mirthlessly having a look at his wrist watch.

"Still no changes in your decision. We don't have much time. Please think about it once again." Jennie adviced passing her most pitiful face to them. Which Taehyung and Jungkook didn't replied.

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