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Jisoo and Chaeyoung were having some talk at their table. Like Taehyung said, their one-day passed doing nothing. It is now night. All the employees got home except Jisoo and Chaeyoung. They can go home when Taehyung and Jungkook allow them to go. This is one of their rules!

"Ahh.. Chu. This is already 9. Do the monsters have any plan to go home. I'm really tired. I just want to go home and sleep." Chaeyoung said having a glance at the door of Jungkook's office. While Jisoo was resting her head on the table.

"I don't know Chae. Is they are still working or sleeping. How can someone work 24/7 like them." Jisoo said with a annoyed face, still not looking up.

"Jichu. I'm going to break the door if he didn't come out in 5 minutes."

"Oh! You have that much courage. Then go. No one is stopping you. Carry on. "

"Ughh! How can I do that? You know me." Chaeyoung whined.

"Then shut up. Don't dare to open it until they come out."

"But I'm-" Chaeyoung's words cutoffed was when she saw Taehyung coming out from his room. Chaeyoung thrown a pen to Jisoo, so she can inform her about the scene.

"What are you doing Cha--...."

"Good morning Sir." Chaeyoung weirdly ogiled at Jisoo's greeting. But Taehyung didn't mind them and went inside Jungkook's room.

"Why did you greet him morning? This is night."

"Ugh! Did I?" Jisoo embarssingly frowned.

"Do y-" Again Chaeyoung was cutoffed. But this time, two figures were coming.

Taehyung and Jungkook onceagain ignored the girls, and walked away.

"I guess they are going home. We should ask them and get home too. Come chu!" Chaeyoung said and dragged her bag and ran to them. And Jisoo does the same before following her.
Running fast as can possible, they strugglingly reached the down floor. They breathed heavily before calling them.

"Sir, Jungkook sir...!" Chaeyoung called for the walking figures. Where they both didn't acted like, heard it.

"Taehyung sir, We have something to ask, Sir!" This time Jisoo called but response weren't nothing new.
Jisoo and Chaeyoung speedup themselves to block their ways by standing infront of them. Chaeyoung and Jisoo panted heavily, rubbing their chests.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Jungkook spoke, his cold voice introduce his annoyance.

"Sir..Sir, we-"

"Shut up your mouth. And move back from our way!" Taehyung shouted cutting off Jisoo's panting. They took a left turn, but only to get blocked by Jisoo and Chaeyoung.

"Sir. We just wanted to ask, can we go home now?" Finally Chaeyoung managed to spill it out.

"Why are you asking us? Ask whom, who taked you both as employees here. We don't have anything to do with you two!" Chaeyoung and Jisoo looked at each other. While Taehyung and Jungkook had already started footing outside. The girls sighed heavily before again running behind them.

"Sir. What are you saying. Can we go home?" Chaeyoung asked inbetween the chase.

"We said we don't care. Do whatever you want to do..!" Jungkook shouted.

Where the Jisoo and Chaeyoung, stopped.
"What they mean by that. Can we go home?" Jisoo asked looking at Chaeyoung's confused face.

"I guess we can. They said do whatever want to do. And we want to do is going home." Jisoo nodded her head to Chaeyoung's suggestion.

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