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"My sons Jeon Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook are getting married on the coming Sunday, to respectively with Choi sisters, Sana and Tzuyu."

"WHAT?" Jungkook asked getting up from his chair, shocked by his father's sudden announcement. Jennie and Lisa was looking at Jong-suk unbelievably. While Taehyung completely forgot about reacting as he losted processing.

"Looks like they themselves don't know they are getting married." Someone from the hall scoffed earning many laughs and whistles from the rests, making Jong-suk to glare at Jungkook.

While Shin-hye quickly dragged Jungkook to sit back down. And Jong-suk continued.

"It was a surprise for them too." He said nervously chuckling.

"So I'm gladly inviting you all to the grand ceremony. The invitations are on the way. But before that have a toast." Jong-suk said motioning a toast in the air, as all the table members had their toasts cheerfully and loudly. Jong-suk smiled softly before sitting back to his chair.

There was now many gazes from his table mates, watching him and which is different from each other.
At first Shin-hye, she had kept a mirthfull expression completely satisfied with the whole thing. And Jimin was glancing at his father-in-law with a poker face as he doesn't know how to react. Because the truth is aware for him too. While Jennie and Lisa feeling completely betrayed for their brothers. The unsatisfied decision of their Appa is so wrong for them.

On the other hand Jungkook and Taehyung are feeling a war of emotions. Shock, Anger, guilt, confusion. They want this to be a dream nothing more or less. While Mr and Mrs Choi was in a worried situation after observing Jungkook's reaction to the news. They are feeling worried for their daughters.
And there comes the most important persons, Sana and Tzuyu. The face they getting from Taehyung and Jungkook making them feel so victory. They hold a surprised look to hide the smirk which was crepting on their faces only because they have to be innocent souls infront of everyone.

"What are you saying Appa?" Jennie immediately inquired making everyone to look at her. While Jungkook and Taehyung hang their heads down, thinking something deeply.

"What? Didn't you heard what I said?" Jong-suk frowned at his daughter's words.

"Yes. I did. That's why I'm asking you, what are you saying? Kookie and Tae's wedding? Coming Sunday? Why?" Jennie was getting hyper as time passes.

"Why? Is that a question? They were engaged for a while, so I thought not waste more time and let them get married." Jong-suk replied holding a cold gesture.

"Appa, You thought and did? Did you ask about Kookie and Tae's willing? They are getting married. So they were the one who will know about it first." Jennie retorted, the concern she has towards her brothers were completely understandable in her words.

"What is there to ask willing? They choose each other themselves and we had already decided that, Tae and Kook's wedding will be held after yours. " Jong-suk stated. He can't understand why Jennie is acting this way.

"That's past Appa. But now-"

"Can you both please stop." Jungkook shouted hitting the table, not that loud. Making Jennie to break herself from talking. If he should not had interfered them, Jennie would have spilled out all truth.
Jimin immediately find his hand's way to his beloved wifey's hand to calm down her from the outrage. As Jennie instantly cool down.

"What are you saying Jen? What is past? Everything is fine. Right? Tae, kookie.. Your relationships with Sana and Tzuyu are perfectly fine. Right?" Shin-hye asked panicking by Jennie's sudden confession. Jungkook and Taehyung didn't answered they stay silent. While Lisa spoke.

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