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(Author pov)

Chaeyoung and Jisoo managed to come office before their bosses arrive. They are now sitting on their cabin and having some talk. Their talk got distracted when they noticed Jungkook and Taehyung coming. Chaeyoung immediately ran to her seat. Jisoo got up from her chair and they bowed to them.

"Come to our rooms. " Taehyung said and walked away. Jungkook also made his way to his office.
Chaeyoung and Jisoo are still processing what they said. They looked at each other confusingly.

"They said to us. Right?" Chaeyoung asked Jisoo. And she nodded her head.

"We should go and check. " Jisoo stated and walked to Taehyung's office. Chaeyoung also walked to Jungkook's room. And hesitantly went in.

(Chaeyoung's pov)

I take a deep breath before coming inside. I looked up to the man who was now sitting on the Chair and fixing his things in the table. I hesitantly take steps forward to him.
When he realized my presence he looked up to me. That's the moment which I should die. That will be my selfishness if I say he is not handsome. How can a person be this handsome. In my whole life I didn't figured anyone like him. I can feel my heart beating crazily in my chest. What in earth making me feel this way when he looks at my eyes. I came out from my thoughts when he called my name loudly.


"D-Dae.. Dae.. " I said stuttering because of his yelling.

"Are you deaf? How many times did I call you?" He asked me in a cold voice. That's what I hates. Why he acts like this. His older brother is also like this. I wish my Chu will be alright with him.

"Sorry Sir. " I politely said.

"Whatever. I called you because I want to inform you about my schedule and etc. " He said.
What? He accepted me as his PA. Daebak! But what made him change his mind suddenly.

"Oh. Dae Sir. " I said to him.

"I guess Miss Daehyun informed you about my usual need. And my schedule chart will be in Mr Yang's office. You can get it from there. And the most important thing I don't like it when works are pending. Arasso? " He asked me without taking the eyes from his files.

"Dae Sir. Arasso. " I answered him.

"And be here somewhere near. I will call you anytime. I don't like when people left me waiting. " He said in completely cold tone.
What is in earth you like Mr Jungkook? Uggh.. Jinja. Why am I being this kind of man's PA?

"Dae Sir. I understand. " I said to him.

"Then you can leave. " He said with a rude tone.
You should have straightly told me to 'get out'. I sighed and bowed to him. After coming out from the room. I checked Jichu's table. But she were not there yet. I looked for someone to ask where is Mr Yang's cabin. A middle aged woman get my attention as I went to her. And luckily she helped me. I immediately went to Mr Yang's cabin.

(Jisoo's Pov)

I was still in the shock that they noticed us. What happened to them. The Jeon monsters are acting really weird today. I knocked on his door. He allowed me to come inside. I sighed heavily and went inside. Taehyung sir was doing something in his laptop. I examined him. First of all he is really handsome. His forehead, nose, lips, chin, cheeks even he is sitting in a handsome way. Suddenly a smile appeared on my lips.
I don't know why but I don't hate him. Yes I calls him a monster but I never meant it. Jungkook sir and Taehyung sir treats us really coldly. But also Chaeyoung doesn't hate them. Do they have any reason for being like this? I also wanted to ask him about it. But how can I ask him when he will ignore me and hate my presence.
Whatever, Why I even care? Their life, their attitudes. They have to change if they want people to adore them. If they are not willing, I can't do anything about it.

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