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Jisoo wanted to call back as she tapped her phone inbetween her hands. It will be all lie, if she said Chaeyoung's missed calls didn't worried her. There was two chances, first one, the latter will be worried when they was taking too much time. Second, anything have happened?

Before calling Chaeyoung back, Jisoo found reaching Lisa will be more helpful. Isn't that why she hurried away from the long awaited romantic date with her husband. Jisoo thought, Taehyung would had founded it so weird that she left without giving him a proper reason. She was disappointed on herself.

She only contacted back Lisa, ignoring the fact she had two missed calls from her mother-in-law too. She sighed feeling nothing but scared of something. "Please stop here." Jisoo tapped on the back of the seat of the cab driver. Making him instantly break it. Paying him Jisoo dashed towards the cafe.

Before she could make it inside a call was heard for her. "Eonnie!!" Jisoo immediately diverts her head all way only to find the voicer. She let out sigh footing calmly to the younger.

"Did Chaeng called you? I saw her missed calls but didn't called back yet." Jisoo says, reaching near Lisa who looked somehow annoyed. "Where were you gone? Eonnie did called me, she asked where we are? Can't blame her we are out for 7 hours now. Where have you been?" Lisa asked whining annoyingly at the end.

"I'm sorry, I can explain. But we should get home first." She dragged the latter, hurrying to look for another cab only to get their destination as soon as fast.

"I just told her our appointment got late. Anything good didn't came up at that minute." Lisa informed comfortably setting herself inside. Jisoo also seats near the younger before closing the car door as they drove off. "It's fine. Atleast you said something trustworthy." Jisoo replied smiling a bit.

"Where have you been? I thought after I return we can go home straight but you wasn't find nowhere." Lisa enquires wanting to know. Jisoo sighed disappointly but with a small awkward leer before starting to explain the whole thing.

Lisa sighs heavily hearing the older's all rambling. "Well, the timing was wrong." Jisoo confusingly tilted her head to see Lisa slyly smirking at her. "Oppa never showed off such affections to you, right?" Jisoo nodded agreeing to the latter. "So when he finally did, you didn't even had a chance to fully enjoy it." The older pouts only disappointed nothing less, nothing more. Where Lisa chuckles, wrapping her arm around the other's shoulder. "Don't be sad, he just started realizing it eonnie. My brothers will make sure to make up for everything they did. Let's hope well, so good happens." Jisoo grinned happily nodding in response.

Lisa and Jisoo hesitantly peeked in from outside. They frowned why the entrance door was open, which Chaeyoung usually don't do especially when she was alone. Jisoo stepped in followed by the younger one. They both was looking for Chaeyoung but more likely tiptoeing to upstairs to avoid meeting the latter.

But things didn't go like they wanted. "How was the shopping at the hospital?" Jisoo and Lisa breaked themselves kind of surprised by the sudden voice. They turned around to spot a very calmly looking Chaeyoung, standing there arms crossed. "Where the things you bought by the way?" Chaeyoung inquired not having any changes in expressions.

Jisoo and Lisa looked at each other with some of a puzzled emotions. They gazed back to Chaeyoung. "What things? We were gone to hospital-"

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