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Author's Pov

"Chu, If you are not eating it, then give me." Chaeyoung said pointing at the pickled radish placed on the side of Jisoo's plate, with her chopsticks. Jisoo stopped munching her fried rice and looked up to Chaeyoung, who were giving her a sweet smile only for the radish. Jisoo sighed before picking it up from her plate and putting the radish on Chaeyoung's.

"You and your radish. Here take it." Jisoo stated. Chaeyoung grinned before placing the radish in her mouth and chewed it looking at Jisoo with the same grin.

"Aishh.. This girl." Jisoo said while chuckling at her cuteness.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were on their lunch break. And quietly having it in the office canteen.

"Chae, Are not you were surprised yesterday seeing Jungkook sir and Taehyung Sir crying?" Jisoo asked out of nowhere.

"I were not surprised I were completely shocked." Chaeyoung answered with the same expression as Jisoo.

"They're not that bad at all." Chaeyoung stated hoping a cheerful response from Jisoo. And Chaeyoung smiled brightly seeing Jisoo merrily nodding her head like a kid.

"Is that mean, we have a chance?" Chaeyoung questioned. Jisoo looked up to Chaeyoung who were giving Jisoo a hopeful eyes.

"I don't know Chae. What about we try once. Hm?" Jisoo asked instead of answering her. Chaeyoung give her a confused face.

"What do you both wanted to try?huh?" Chaeyoung and Jisoo's talk interrupted by someone. Both of them looked up, where the sound came from.

"Jaehyun!" "Eunwoo!"
Chaeyoung and Jisoo called simultaneously spotting them beside their table with tray of food in their hands.

"Do you both have any problem if we sit here?" Eunwooo asked to them but his full concentration were on Jisoo.

"Why are you asking. Just have a seat boys." Jisoo gushed making Jaehyun and Eunwooo smile brightly and they immediately sat beside them. The table has four chairs. Jisoo and Chaeyoung were seated opposite to each other so obviously Jaehyun sat on the chair beside Chaeyoung while Eunwoo take seat beside Jisoo. Chaeyoung and Jisoo started to eat again while Jaehyun and Eunwooo smiled at each other with winning a lottery expression.

"What you both were talking before? What do you want to try?" Jaehyun asked making Jisoo and Chaeyoung stop eating and they gave each other a panicked look.

"Oh. That.... That... Why don't you answer Chu?" Chaeyoung quickly turn the heat to Jisoo, who were hoping Chaeyoung will answer them.

Jisoo killed Chaeyoung by her gaze but immediately stopped feeling Eunwoo and Jaehyun's stare on her. Jisoo awkwardly Chuckled turning to face them while thinking about a lie.

"Dae. Actually.... Actually Daehyun told me that the oysters are really good here. So I was saying Chaeng that we should try it." Jisoo confidently lied.

"Oh, so you like it?" Eunwoo inquired with a surprised expression.

"Dae. That's my favorite~~" Jisoo answered trying to sound good not lying.

"That's so surprising. Oyster is my favorite too. And Daehyun is hundred percentage correct. The oysters are really good here. You should try it. Here take it Jisoo." Eunwoo beamed before picking up the oyster with his chopsticks and placing it on Jisoo's plate. Jisoo's expression mutated into a disgusted one seeing it.
On the other hand Chaeyoung were trying not to laugh and at the same time feeling bad for her Chu. Because she knows that Oysters is the seafood which Jisoo hates most in the world.

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