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Author's POV

Jisoo and Chaeyoung were now infront of the xxxx cafe, waiting for their husbands to come. Like everytime Jennie scheduled their double date, but this month's here today. Chaeyoung and Jisoo were dressed in elegant clothes, looking like two carrer woman. They arrived 10 minutes earlier than the scheduled time. Already knowing Taehyung and Jungkook will arrive only on time, at 10:30!

6 months was a long time, for situations and circumstances to get changed.
Taehyung and Jungkook become more busy in their company works as now they barely have weekends off. As there is changes in Chaeyoung and Jisoo's bonds with their husbands too.

Their relationship is so much better than before, here Jisoo and Chaeyoung aren't afraid to ask them something. They can speak to them about anything but Jisoo and Chaeyoung still minds to maintain a distance, maybe they used to it.

So we can ask, are they lives like they have to, as husbands and wives? Then the answer will be a big NO! Still in four rooms.
Then, at least are they friends? The answer will be again a NO! As four people.

Their relationships are still there where it started. But now Jisoo and Chaeyoung aren't that bad treated by them. They are having a comfortable bond with each other.

While Jisoo and Chaeyoung's issue with their mothers aren't still compromised. Jin-goo and Seo-joon is so confused between this four. As they really don't know what happened actually. After the incident they do met in family dinners, arranged by Jong-suk. But still Chaeyoung and Jisoo are so moody with their mothers. Having such a uncomfortable feeling. As now they are having really a long distance between them.

In the past months, Jennie and Lisa are working so hard to make their brothers and sister-in-laws feelings work. As it was their plan to let them go on double dates in all month ends. It can help them to know each other more. Where Jong-suk was stern about this decision so Jungkook and Taehyung didn't had any other choice. But it's not happening like it have to.

They do comes in time, but it's not going like Jennie and Lisa wished too. Only having a coffee and a piece cake weren't really what they meant.

The taller and latter immediately recognized the car as they looked forward to the persons inside. Taehyung and Jungkook fondly smiles stepping out from the car, as they started approaching these two.

"We weren't late. Right?" Jungkook inquirers, reaching beside Chaeyoung. She shooks her head "No." He hums softly.

Taehyung takes the lead as Jisoo immediately follows her husband. Getting Chaeyoung and Jungkook's accompany too. Taking a four chaired table, mostly looked like in the corner, they was seated comfortably.

As a waitress notices this four and was footing near them to get their orders.

"How was working today?" Jisoo quiered, trying to better the heat between them, like she always do. "Yeah, It was fine. We will be late today." Taehyung informed. "Dae..!" Jisoo nodded her head understanding.

"What can I help you, handsomes?" Grabbing their alls attention, the waitress was heard up from them. She smiles brightly at Taehyung and Jungkook completely ignoring the rest two. Jisoo and Chaeyoung didn't found that comfortable.

"We will have 4 cappuccino, three chocolate cake and one strawberry." But it wasn't noticible for Taehyung and Jungkook, as the older takes the the order carelessly. "Only this?" The girl asks, making their wives more irritating. "Yeah..!" Jungkook cautionly chuckles at her.

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