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Author's Pov

Jisoo and Chaeyoung's heads snapped to the door bell. They smiles widely already guessing, who it can be. They approached the door, only to welcome their parents in.

The door bell was heard up in Taehyung and Jungkook's room. They also marched down to welcome their in-laws.

"Eomma!" Jisoo and Chaeyoung empathised happily. Where Ji-eun and Ji-won smiled in return.

"Sooya..!" Ji-eun opened her arm widely asking Jisoo to hug her, which the other immediately obeyed.

"Are you doing well, Chae?" Ji-won inquirers in their embrace, Chaeyoung hums softly before more tightly hugging her mother.

Approaching slowly Taehyung and Jungkook were watching this happiest moment live. As they were taking small steps to them, allowing more time.

"Didn't you both missed us?" Jin-goo spoke, making Jisoo and Chaeyoung to gaze up from their mothers warmth. "Appa..!" They whimpered before throwing themselves to the pouting figures. The four had a group hug.

"You both are doing well, right?" Their fathers were also only cared of that. "Dae, we are!" Jisoo replied, snuggling herself more into Jin-goo's chest. He chuckled.

But there Taehyung and Jungkook felt so uncomfortable, in this moment too, their wives are acting so fine. They felt a weird feeling of hurt. But continued showing off, being nonchalant.

"You both didn't leave for company?" Seo-joon were the first one noticing Taehyung and Jungkook. Jisoo and Chaeyoung pushed away from the hug, wiping away the tears.

"Ah, Dae. Anneyonghasseyo!" Jungkook and Taehyung immediately went near them. Bowing to everyone individually they greeted with a warm smile. Ji-eun and Ji-won wasn't that rude to avoid it. They bowed back along with Jin-goo and Seo-joon.

"Jisoo and Chaeyoung said, you all will be coming. So thought of leaving after that. " Taehyung reasoned. Jin-goo and Seo-joon smiled. While Ji-eun and Ji-won hold a straight face.

"Come inside, please!" Jungkook invited, making way for them. The old mans immediately taken the invitation as smugly followed their son-in-laws. Jisoo and Chaeyoung smiled brightly seeing how Taehyung and Jungkook treating their parents.

It's making them so happy.

"Are not you both coming?" Jisoo frowned at her mother and Aunt. "Ah, we are." Ji-won replied taking the lead, the girls confusingly eyed at their mothers behavior. But also followed them.

"We will get to drink." Chaeyoung excused, making her way to the kitchen as Jisoo also accompanied her.

"So? How the work and business is going? Everything fine?" Seo-joon asked to make the situation better. As Taehyung and Jungkook were seemed uncomfortable. "Oh, Dae. New deals are making the company situation balanced, so everything is ongoing very well." Jungkook replied his father in law, not forgetting to maintain a politeness. "Oh, that's good." Jin-goo commented, as they all nodded.

"Why are you both so quiet?" Jin-goo asked his wife and Ji-won. Trying to make them talkative too, so Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't mind it. "We don't have much to talk about." Ji-eun fire back. Only earning glares from her husband and brother.

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