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Chaeyoung's POV

Breathing heavily, I escaped out from his room. Getting seated, I rubbed my jumping heart, leaning back to the chair.

What just happened? Why is he showing, such an attitude? Huh? What is he thinking of himself? I do have, some politeness, that's why I'm letting this go. Arassso?

I pointed, warning on his office's closed door and glared at it, like I'm threatening him.

My index figure was quick to backoff when i spotted Jungkook Sir exiting from his room. With widened eyes, i bowed getting up from my seat. Fully ignoring me, he walked inside Taehyung sir's cabin. That's when i realized Jisoo isn't here yet.

Did Taehyung Sir done something to Jichu? What if he murdered her or something?!! I was about to think something more horrible, when I spot her hurrying out from his room. Seeing her resting back to the closed door, i got sured, Taehyung Sir weren't different from Jungkook Sir.

"What happened Chu? Calm down first!" Getting near her, i concerned.

"Chaeng, He.. He were.." She stammered staring at me.

"He were, what? Chu did Taehyung Sir done something?" I worried.

"He Chaeng! Taehyung Sir were this close to me! This much!" Grabbing me near her, Jisoo described something. Which i absolutely didn't get.

"What are you saying? Taehyung Sir were this close? What does that means?"

"Ahh, Chaeng!" Continuing she told me everything one by one. The whole drama happened inside.

"Ohho! Why are you overreacting for this? From your actions, i thought he would had kissed you or someth-" Before I could complete myself, Jisoo's palm was slapped on my right arm.

"Ouch!" I rubbed it giving her a deadly glare.

"I were so scared at the same time surprised by his behavior."

"Don't worry. Nothing happened! Leave it now."

Jisoo nodded but with a sad expression, as i splashed her a small smile.

"Jungkook Sir didn't done something like that. But yelled at me in a high pitched volume. My ears are still hurting. Ughh." I rubbed my ears dramatically, where Jisoo giggled softly.

"I guess they really hate us. But why? We didn't do anything that hurted them. They are really monsters..!" Jisoo said with a annoyed face.
I was about to say something but we heard a door opening sound. We looked back and get to see one of the monsters. We stand up and bowed but like everytime he just ignored us. We sighed. And sat down back.

"Chae. I'm not a little bit fine because of their attitudes. They are just, they're just hating us for nothing." Jisoo commented seeing Jungkook Sir entering back.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying too. Aren't they being too much." I scoffed. "It's only our first day and I'm already tired this. Ugh!" I added, with an unsatisfied expression.

She looked at me. "We can do it Chaeng! Just ignore them and their so called attitudes. We are here for our job. Why we care what they thinks about us." Jisoo shooked my shoulder, dramatically empathizing each words.

I shrugged off her hands. "Are you sure? How can we ignore them, when we are working under them, for 24/7?" She stared at me, at the lose of words.

"But we can do it. At least you are with me." Jisoo gazed up with a bright smile, completely satisfied by my words. I grinned back.

"Sarangaee!" I winked at her. As she made a finger heart. "Sarangaee!!!" We both giggled, at our own craziness.

"Are you hungry?" I asked out of nowhere.

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