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Author's Pov

Chaeyoung was lost in thoughts. She really can't find the reasons Jisoo gave everyone, digestive. She wondered how the latter was determined to grab the younger with them. How she avoided everyone's attack, saying. "Let her come with us. Lish will stay for like few days. It will be fun."

After a lot of denying and arguing, at last Jisoo won. Everyone found her reasons satisfying, while Chaeyoung didn't. She found it suspicious how Lisa kept quiet, while the whole talk was about her. It's not like the younger was acting strange sudden, her behavior was quite suspicious from a long now. Even Jisoo and Chaeyoung was decided to confront Lisa about that.

Chaeyoung looked over to Jisoo, who was staring outside through the window. The car was driven by Taehyung and was a quite ride. Her eyes was landed on the figure near her. Lisa was rubbing her hands together like she was nervous, being so much obvious for Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung sighed, too much annoyed by the fact how Jisoo was keeping something away from her. She was quite desperate to figure out the secret, caged inbetween these two.

Taehyung parked the car inside it's place, as they were getting out one by one. Jisoo helped Lisa to drag her luggages inside. "Lish should use the room beside mine." Jisoo announced grabbing everyone's attention. Taehyung nodded his head approving her suggestion.

The boys were quite tired after all. As they found footing upstairs already, leaving the threesome there in the living area. Chaeyoung took the opportunity to start the talk again. "Jichu, are you sure everything is fine? You both look don't

Jisoo know it, how much she tried, Chaeyoung is very observant. She can't hide such an important matter from her. But now the younger isn't ready yet to spread the news. It's not like Lisa told Jisoo everything because she wanted. She had to, cause the older was pressuring so much to know about it.

Jisoo didn't even a bit expected such an unbelievable thing Lisa will spill out. She was shocked hearing it, as she can completely relate how will the others react to it, so can Chaeyoung. The younger wanted time as Jisoo promised to give it.

She smiled stepping forward near Chaeyoung. "I said everything is fine Chaeng! This is so late now. Aren't you tired? We should get on our bed, Okay!" Jisoo hummed softly in the end sounding really calm and fine. Chaeyoung nodded understanding Jisoo really don't want her to know it. Eventhough she was hurted because of that, Chaeyoung decided to stop embarrassing herself.

Chaeyoung walked upstairs, giving Lisa a sad expression she had. Lisa sighed glancing back to Jisoo. "I'm sorry!" She hanged her head down. "Because of me Chaeng eonnie is upset with you." Jisoo shooked her head denying the comment, she quickly dragged Lisa for a hug.

"It's not because of you Lish. Yes, she is a bit upset, but I can make it up for her. Don't worry about it." Lisa just nodded. Jisoo pull off from the hug, to face the latter. "Just make yourself ready to let everyone know about this. This is already so late to tell everyone, so don't delay too much. Okay?" She patted her head affectionately, where Lisa again nodded.

"Now come, let's take rest now. You will be tired." The older leaded the way to up, genuinely smiling Lisa followed her, touched by the fact, Jisoo was surely giving her that comfort which she longed right now.


"Ugh, Tae. You are making me go insane. I'm asking, why can't you?" Eunwoo hitted on the table frustratingly. Taehyung sat there not giving such any expressions to that, making the voicer more irritated.

There was 2 more people were present, Jaehyun and Jungkook. They are assembled in the company meeting room at the morning hour was for something important. It will be really a long story if we start to talk about how the things between these four sorted out. Well mainly the reason will be that, Jungkook and Taehyung find it so annoying how their two bestfriends were trying to better the heat between them. As time goes they had to hear them, in short Taehyung and Jungkook gave up.

Maybe the brothers wanted this matters to get solved as fast as possible too, because their feelings for the girls were getting uncontrollable. Like without Jisoo and Chaeyoung they will struggle to take a single breath.

When Taehyung and Jungkook finally heard their side calmly, they understood it well assuming things their own would had hurted the girls, so bad. They should had heard them before. As Taehyung and Jungkook are now ready to apologize, but at the same time they want something more from the latters.

"Please don't. Your silence is getting so irritating now." Eunwoo admitted, sitting back to the chair. Jaehyun tapped on the table wanting their attention, as they immediately gave it.

"Why did you both even called us? To ask suggestions, right? So you have to consider atlest one of our ideas." Jaehyun explained controlling to be be calm. "Yeah, but why it all end up by we have to talk to them? Isn't there any other ways?" Jungkook asked innocently, making Jaehyun release a sigh, unbelieving it's really happening.

"Then? If you want a chance, you have to ask them. Otherwise how will they understand it?" Jaehyun snapped, tired of this. "We are asking you, is there anyway to say what we want without saying it?" Taehyung's eyes brimmed with hope, he looked so soft and precious at that moment.

But for Jaehyun and Eunwoo it was like testing their patience. Eunwoo shot up from the chair. "I'm not doing this if they are continuing like this." Taehyung and Jungkook seeked up to him.

Jaehyun sighed dragging back the stood up figure. "Eunwoo, calm down." He gazed back to Taehyung and Jungkook. "Tae, don't be ridiculous. You both really want this relationship to work, right?" They nodded. "Then you have to confront Jisoo and Chaeyoung. You don't know what is going on their heads. You have to make everything better inbetween you all, before restarting it as a new relationship."

"You both even don't know do they want to be in this relationship anymore." Jungkook and Taehyung's heart hitched at that thought. Jaehyun softly smiled at them. "I'm not worrying you. Just telling the chances. So nothing can happen if you aren't trying to clear out everything."

"But we don't think we can have a fine talk with them." Jungkook admitted looking at them with sinless eyes. Where Eunwoo asked, "That's what I'm asking, why can't you?"

"We aren't good with words, we were never!" Jungkook looked down playing with his fingers. "We can't express ourselves with words. How much tried we will end up with nothing. I don't think we can be able to let Jisoo and Chaeyoung know about our will, like that. I'm afraid of a fail." Jaehyun and Eunwooo laughed at his words. Taehyung and Jungkook stared at them, with an embarrassed face.

"Are you guys being serious here? Just admit it you guys will be nervous around them. Can't express by words? What a dramatic asses!" Eunwoo countered still laughing teasingly. Where Taehyung and Jungkook glared at them.

"We aren't being dramatic. I meant it, we can't!" Taehyung intrupted. Eunwoo stopped and stood up from his chair to foot near Taehyung as he kept his hand upon the latter's shoulder. "Don't worry. Jisoo and Chaeyoung will surely give a chance to you both. Atleast just try, words and emotions will came up with the flow. It will help to understand what you have been done wrong to them. Make sure to correct it. Okay!?" Taehyung smiled, nodding to him in agreement.

"We can plan something special for them, if you want?" Jaehyun suggested seeking at Jungkook who immediately snaps his head the voicer's way. "It will be great then!" Jungkook smiled feeling greatful. Where Jaehyun and Eunwoo chuckled nodding.


This chapter end up short today. I hope you liked it. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT.

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