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Jisoo and Chaeyoung stood there denying to take another step forward. Unwanted thoughts daring them to vanish away from the current situation. Eunwoo sighed he closed the car door before approaching the two females back.

"Believe me and go inside. Have a fine talk with them. Don't just jump onto conclusions your own." He smiles when Jisoo and Chaeyoung nodded. Eventhough he can clearly saw how halfheartedly they started walking towards the house, Eunwoo can be hundred percent sure he was doing correct, he knew Taehyung and Jungkook wasn't at fault.

"We can go, they will be fine." Eunwoo says getting inside and buckling his seat belt. Jaehyun leaned forward, taking a glance of the two women who are already standing infront of the entrance.

"Are you sure?" Eunwoo nods assuring the latter. Then Jaehyun didn't thought otherwise as he started the car engine before driving away.

Jungkook's eyes shot up from the ground, he looks to find Taehyung staring at him then back to the door. When the bell rang for the second time he hurriedly got up dashing to the entrance with high hopes.

He tore open the door meeting two figures, who he expected to see, who he wanted to see. All of a sudden a feeling of guilt washed through him, it hitting hard and rather harshly on his poor heart when Chaeyoung walked in, not even sparing him a single glance.

Jisoo quietly followed the latter. It was already quarter to twelve, they didn't had dinner neither they was hungry. Jisoo and Chaeyoung needed sometime to clear their heads. The feeling of pain will eventually go away tomorrow and they would continue like nothing happened. Afterall it was an attachment without any love, care and trust.

So it shouldn't hurt, but unfortunately it did.

Chaeyoung and Jisoo made their way through the suffocating silence, they was two steps away from climbing the stairs up suddenly when Taehyung spoke. "Jisoo, wait."

Eventhough it was a call for only Jisoo, Chaeyoung also stopped herself. She watched as Taehyung hurried near his wife taking her hand in his, and with pleading eyes he asked. "Can you please hear me out?"

Chaeyoung's eyes slowly saddened, Tears welled up in her eyes just barely not overflowing or streaming down her cheeks. She bited on her lower lip, realizing the fact how unlucky she was. Jisoo had a husband who have been atleast trying to clear things out while her husband didn't even utter a word or tried to stop her. She felt like broking down infront of them but she didn't wanted to.

"I will be in my room." Her voice cracking a bit as she informed the latter. Chaeyoung hurried upstairs, tears falling down when the wind threatened her eyes as she ran. Jisoo watched the taller with worry, not going unnoticed by Taehyung. He glanced over to his brother.

"Jungkook, go and talk to her." He said, sounding concerned more than a strict order. Jungkook still not over with his mental fight, whether to do what next. He just stared at the older, emotionless.

Taehyung narrowed his eyebrows, his gaze slowly getting cold as ice. "Go." This time Jungkook nodded, walking upstairs and pacing up himself on the stairs.

Without any warning Jungkook raged inside the unlocked door of Chaeyoung's room. Making her startle a little as she quickly wiped away her tears before getting up from the bed. Jungkook tried to ignore the pained feeling tore through his heart when Chaeyoung looked away from him trying hard to hide her tears from him. He felt horrible for being the reason behind her tears.

"Chaeyoung, I- Can we please talk? I'm sorry-"

"I just wants to be alone for sometime now, I'm not feeling really well. Can't we talk tomorrow?" Chaeyoung lowly said, looking down and her tone described how much vulnerable she was right at the second. Jungkook shooked his head stepping closer to her and grabbing her by shoulder. Chaeyoung blinked her eyes in surprise as she stared at him.

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