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Author's Pov

The next day have been arrived with a new morning. The Jeons are having their breakfast together.

"Jen, How is your wedding shopping going?" Jong-suk inquired after sipping his black coffee.

"Hmm. I brought my wedding dress. That will be here in few hours. And the reception gown I will go and buy with lish when she will be here. " Jennie answered her father.

"Ok fine. The wedding hall is already booked and other things are all perfectly arranged so you don't have to be worried. Okay? " Jong-suk assured Jennie. She gave him a bright smile as he smiled back.

"Appa. You should have given us some responsibilities too. We also wanted to do something for our Noona. " Jungkook entreated to his father earning everyone's chuckle except Taehyung's.

"Wae? He is right. You did everything on your own. We should have does something for our Noona's wedding. " Taehyung supported Jungkook.

"I know Tae. But you both are already having so tension and busy life because of yours company work. That's why I didn't bother to involve you both in this. But still you both have some responsibilities as her brothers. " Jong-suk suggested.

"Am I not right Jen?" Jong-suk asked Jennie.

"Dae. And Tae, Kookie. If you both didn't done anything for me. Still i don't have any problem with it because already you all done many things for me. " Jennie stated smiling brightly at Taehyung and Jungkook as they smiled widely at her.

"Ok. Ok. Then who will pick up Lisa from the airport. She will come tonight. Right? " Shin-hye speculated grabbing everyone's attention.

"I will. " Jungkook and Taehyung said in unison and chuckled seeing their cutest coincidence.

"Wahh.. Tae and Kookie looking really excited to meet their little sister. " Jong-suk contended.

"Of course we are. This have been a while." Taehyung stated and smiled at Jungkook who was already smiling at him.

"But you both don't have to go." Shin-hye suggested.

"Then I will go. " Taehyung immediately replied.

"Wae? I can also go. " Jungkook questioned.

"Yes. But today I will go and pick her. " Taehyung said to him.

"No. I will go and pick her. " Jungkook exclaimed back.

"Why are you starting a argument because of this. There is no point for that. You or I anyone pick up lish she will surely come here. Then why are we-"

"Yes. That's what I'm saying too. There is no point. Then I will pickup lish. " Jungkook said cutting off Taehyung.

"Kookie. What am-"

"Ohoo boys. Please stop. Why are you both acting like kids. " Jennie mocked at them. Jong-suk and shin-hye giggled.

"I'm not. Hyeong started this. " Jungkook said and crossed his arms around over his chest.

"What I? Ok fine. You pick up her." Taehyung finally give up. Jungkook smirked at him in victory.

"Are you happy now? " Taehyung queried in sing a song voice.

"Yes I am. " Jungkook answered in the same way. All of them laughed together.
Like this the whole breakfast went really enjoyable.

Now Taehyung and Jungkook are getting ready to go for work after Jong-suk leaved. They bid everyone and headed to the car.

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