thank you!

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'last love' has finally came to an end. before i get into anything, i must acknowledge the overwhelming support i've received while writing this wonderful book. thank you!

first things first, i love sana, i love tzuyu and i love twice. i just needed two random names and in my opinion i don't feel bad when i choose someone i truly like and support rather than choosing someone who i don't like. because for myself know that i don't think bad about that person. and nobody can call me out for spreading hate. it could've been any name, there's always an idol with that name. i'm not here to spred hate.

i'm disappointed that i actually need to say all this.

quickly moving on. i'm going to be very honest with you all. i'm not really happy with the way i wrote some of the chapters. i think it's because i don't like my writing style and sometimes i compare my works to other amazing writers on here. like you can see this book took a while to end, i mean this work's first chapter was published on april 2021 and now it's 2022 december. i know, it took really a WHILE.

anyways what i'm trying to say is, i think back in 2021 my writing style were fine for a rookie writer. but now when i look back on myself it's so cliché and a mess. now i've gotten a lot better, right? or that's what i personally think.

so however i've decided that i'll be editing the some chapters, which i think need a little shape up.

Although it's rough around the edges and painfully poorly edited at some places, i'm extremely happy about how the book turned out. i quiet literally got emotional when i published the bonus chapter concluding last love, as it was the first ever book i've finished.

i want to thank the readers who stuck with me since the beginning and encouraged me to continue writing this story. i'm so happy my book got the reactions i wanted. i read every single comment and you guys are so funny and chaotic there. i love everyone who readed this book: the active commenters, voters and even the silent readers, you're all beautiful and you can't change my mind.

this is honestly all over the place omg, for now please don't mind it. and again, thank you so much for supporting me and this book and i'll see you all again! <33

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