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Chaeyoung narrowed her eyebrows together, as she absentmindly judged the unknown stranger.

"Umm, she probably won't know." The male shrugged. "Eunwoo, Cha eunwoo." he smiles a little showing off the infamous dimbles, as he waited for the latter to speak up.

"Chaeyoung." She shows an absurd grin, not really affected to deny the fact the male looked ethereal with that pink hair. She never thought pink will suit someone this much. He nods, diverting his attention to the other one as well, he instinted her to say something too.

"Jisoo." He finally have her name, quiet satisfied.

An anhydrous silence was trying to make their way into the trio as they stood having completely nothing to talk about. That was until, the male cleared his throat. "Um, sorry, are you both new interns? We have never had met before."

Jisoo and Chaeyoung stared at the male kind of taken aback by the question. Not because the stranger was questioning them. Because the ladies were wondering, what to answer him? do they really got the job?

Jisoo's awkward cough caught Chaeyoung back to earth, "No, we are not interns. We actually... Um, the new PAs of Jeons?" Jisoo sounded unsure, suddenly a feeling of insecurity rushing through her blood., what if they didn't really got the job? It will be so embarrassing. Afterall this male was an stranger for them, so if things goes like that just don't ever meet again.

Eunwoo's eyes showed surprise towards the news, his forehead knitting together. "PAs of Jeons?" He questioned, not even those chairs arranged in the hallway would believe it.

Chaeyoung nods her head feeling itching inside her stomach, she sure thought of running away.

"Maybe you both are here for the interview. It's happening at the 7th floor, you can take the elevator." he pointed towards the mentioned thing. Eunwoo just straightly assumed these two are looking for the room where the interviewers will be held.

Chaeyoung shook her head denying the statement, "No, we already did attended it. And, I think we got the job."  She mumbled, emphasising the word, 'I think'.

Pushing eunwoo off from the confusion edge to another puzzled situation, she smiles. "There's no way they accepted someone to be their PA." He murmured to himself but loud enough that the females also heard him.

"their morals are being rewritten, why are you so shocked?" Eunwoo was the first one to get startled but the same time he was the one who found the voicer behind. Eunwoo coked his eyebrow, as he watched the brunette making his way towards them.

Why all the people in the company look hella handsome? Chaeyoung's head was being herself.

"Noona told me to find mr yang to arrange their admin papers. It's true, taehyung and jungkook are finally having personal assistants." he says, grinning widely to the females as he paused to give the male a frown glance.

Eunwoo kind of believed the latter was speaking nonsense, because there's no way his grumpy, cold, arrogant friends aka the co-owners of Jeon Co. who hated PAs to the end will finally accept to have personal assistants. Not gonna lie, it was ridiculous.

"Are they okay?" Jaehyun laughed loudly at the question his friend had burted out. "I guess, this time Jennie noona did a good job with pursuing them. It was a success." He thumbs up to him, eunwoo just stared at him by the same past facial expressions, which screamed unbelieve.

Jaehyun shook off his head still a small leer evident, as he diverts away his attention from his over dramatic bestfriend to the two females. "I'm jaehyun, the CMO here."

Jisoo and Chaeyoung almost failed to stop the gasp from slipping out of their mouths. As they bowed ninety degree in an instant, the ladies may or may not be noticed the extended hand of the brunette.

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