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The sleepy male fluttered his eyes open, struggling to adjust to the sudden change of light. Taehyung had just realized he was not in his own room nor it was his bed. He then remembered he was supposed to go back to his room as soon as he tucked Jisoo in for sleep yesterday but instead he fell asleep right beside her.

Taehyung turned his head to the right, trying to get his wife to be the first thing he looks at today. But that thought of his soon washed away as his eyes got droppy again. Jisoo was nowhere to find beside him on the bed nor anywhere in the room.

Maybe she woke up earlier, Taehyung convinced himself before he could think of anything negative. Pushing away the blanket he didn't know he had on, he sat up groggily, feeling so lazy today. Perhaps it's because he wasn't expecting to see his sunshine missing early in the morning.

Taehyung frowned as he looked around the room, trying to make up what time is it. But then the room door opened startling him a bit. The worry and anxiety halting away and the feeling of relief rushing through him when the female met his heart eyes.

Jisoo carefully closed the door afterwards as she bowed to him for scaring him. "I thought you would be still asleep."

Taehyung grinned adoringly at her, "Good morning." Jisoo nodded greeting him back a 'morning' as well. "How long have you been up?" She asked out of curiosity and Taehyung shrugged, "Just like a minute or two." Jisoo hummed at Taehyung's response before commenting, "You still look tired."

And there was a fair share of accuracy behind her words because Taehyung was indeed extremely tired. But he didn't mind the short night rest. The adrenaline from the night before had made it significantly harder for Taehyung to fall asleep but he spent most of his time awake watching over Jisoo so no harm done, he couldn't really complain. "I feel fine, don't worry. Did you slept well?"

Taehyung turned the subject around Jisoo and questioned her instead. Jisoo smiled shyly nodding her head, "Hmm, I did." She says before strolling all way to her cupboard. Opening it swiftly she looked for clothes to change after washing up.

"Jisoo?" She stopped her movements and turned around to face Taehyung. There he was now standing beside the bed. "You looked tired yesterday that's why I didn't continued our talk. Don't we have more stuff to clear out?"

Like a wild wave of recollected memories, Jisoo's mind was flooded with everything happened the night yesterday. The heartbreaking scene they saw, the confrontation with Taehyung in the middle of the living room and the relief that washed over Jisoo when he finally got to know what Taehyung felt for her.

"Oh, right." Jisoo uttered. She kept her gaze on Taehyung, her eyes softening. "Thank you for opening up to me. I thought you-"

Taehyung lightly shook his head, "I should be thanking you, for still wanting me in your life even after I was completely a jerk to you." Taehyung whispered back, turning his head ashamedly away from Jisoo. She reached out and softly gripped on to his wrist.

"I'd always want you in my life. I didn't become your wife for nothing." Taehyung let out an airy chuckle at Jisoo's subtile joke but the way in which Taehyung held back his expression from falling told Jisoo that something was bothering the male.

She stared at him expectively, Jisoo really just wanted Taehyung to be open and honest with her. She had two fully functioning ears and a kind heart full of consideration. Regardless of Jisoo's worried gaze, Taehyung sighed. "I can't help it. But feel awful everytime I see you, after what I had done." Taehyung rested his face into the palms of his hand. Jisoo wasn't accepting of his negative self talk.

"You apologized and I forgave you. I'm here, Sir. Let's just put it behind us and move on." Of course, Taehyung would have loved that. He would have loved to put all disgusting actions he had done behind himself and frolic around in the daisies with Jisoo. But the thought of his actions would keep him awake at night until something were to be done about it.

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