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This is now 2 months have been passed after the incident between Jungkook, Chaeyoung and Taehyung, Jisoo. Like always Chaeyoung and Jisoo comes company and does their job perfectly without any problem. They are now fine, can we say completely fine for each other's sake.

On the other hand Jungkook and Taehyung changed back to their cold, rude attitude towards the employees mostly to their PAs. In this two months they didn't wasted any chances they get to trouble Chaeyoung and Jisoo. But the girls giving it a slide. It's making the brothers to do the same mistake again and again.

And also Jaehyun, Jungkook and Taehyung, Eunwoo relationship are up and down too. Eunwoo tried to had a talk with Taehyung, even jisoo warned him not to but Taehyung is just ignoring him always. While Jaehyun never tried to talk with Jungkook, and of course why should he?

Taehyung and Jungkook doesn't know why they each other get back to the past ones, Maybe more scarier than before. But no questioning or answering, because they are ownself acting that way.


Now, Chaeyoung is walking in the hallway back to her cabin from the director genaral's room. She went there to submit this month's report, all employees have to do this all month.

"Chaeyounga... Wait!" Someone called from her behind as Chaeyoung taked back the step she entered into the elevator and looked back. And there was Daehyun, who was approaching her, no running to her.

"Chaeyoung...ughh.. I'm tired.." Daehyun panted heavily getting near and kepting a hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder.

"Of course. You didn't walked here." Chaeyoung mocked as Daehyun glared at her.

"Actually, I want a help from you. Can you please.... " Daehyun whined like a kid while Chaeyoung rolled eyes at her.

"Yeah. What else you will look for me. What is it now? " Chaeyoung asked annoyingly as Daehyun's smile widened.

"Mrs Jeon and Lalisa Ma'am are here in the down floor. Can you please take care of them until Taehyung Sir came back or Jungkook Sir's meeting get done." Daehyun beseeched.

"But I h-"

"Please Chaeyoung. I have to submit the report to director. You know she will burst like a bomb if we lately submit. Please." Daehyun begged not letting Chaeyoung to spoke.

"Please Chaeyoung...please... I will buy you Chiken. Please Chae-"

"Ok fine." Chaeyoung had to accept because of Daehyun's highly torture. She smiled brightly.

"Thanks dear. They are on the first floor." Daehyun informed after giving Chaeyoung a quick hug and running to the director's room.

"And I will not forget about the Chiken." On the way Daehyun turned around and screamed loudly making Chaeyoung to chuckle softly.

"Yish. This girl. I have notes to write down from the laptop. Ahhh..." Chaeyoung grumbled tapping the file on her head which she were holding. She rotate back to the elevator and get in. She sighed softly before tapping the down floor.

When Chaeyoung reached there, she spotted two figures sitting on the sofa placed on the entrance floor. She exhaled softly before approaching them.

"Good Morning Ma'am" Chaeyoung greeted in a nervous tone but politely. They both turned back to the voicer. Shin-hye and Lisa got welcomed by her wide smile while they smiled back.

"Dae. Good morning." Shin-hye greeted back.

"Eonni~~." Lisa beamed getting up from the couch and hugged Chaeyoung. She hugged back. Shin-hye smugly stood up too.

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