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Hee-Young returned to Yunho's room walking like a zombie, her slippers were being dragged on the floor mindlessly of the likely disturbance she might cause to some patients

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Hee-Young returned to Yunho's room walking like a zombie, her slippers were being dragged on the floor mindlessly of the likely disturbance she might cause to some patients. She couldn't care less, by the way, what she had just heard was far more shocking and devastating than someone whose sleep was being interrupted. With empty eyes and pale skin, she closed the door behind her and stepped towards the bed where Yunho was sleeping on. She gently snuggled under her boyfriend's arm and wrapped it around her waist, before covering her body with the blanket.

"I hate myself, right now."

Claimed the girl, playing with the corner of the pillowcase, pinching and twisting it between her fingers.

"I don't know who I am."

She said before placing her band under the pillow, looking for some warmth, although she didn't need it, since she was half-demon and her body temperature was naturally high.

"And now, I don't know where I came from."

Concluded Hee-Young in a whisper after a long sigh full of sadness and disappointment. Hearing that news from her mother's friends demolished everything the girl had learned about herself and revolutionised the observation she had of her origins. Now, if she looked at herself in the mirror, she would only spot a soulless figure, a mannequin, a pawn in an evil game created by her presumed father.

The girl snapped outside her trading of thoughts when she realised that Yunho didn't utter a word. Hence why Hee-Young turned on her back to make sure that he was alright. He seemed to be peacefully sleeping, however, he was too peaceful. As a joke, but at the same time as a form to guarantee herself his safety, she lifted one of his eyelids with her thumb, to notice, with fear, that he wasn't only sleeping.

His complexion was weirdly pale, his dark circles were more evident than the other days, and his breathing was way too unhurried to be sleeping.

Or to be just alive.

Hee-Young jumped down the bed, risking hitting the floor with her bottom with a deaf thud. She walked backwards to the door, hoping to see Yunho waking up and screaming that he was making fun of her. But, unfortunately, that didn't happen. So, she slid the door open and messily started running in the hallway which was partially lit by the light of the moon. 

Her sobs and deep and heavy breaths echoed in the building as she kept running, looking for a doctor. After minutes that seemed like hours of loitering randomly, her eyes finally met the figure of a doctor. He was walking calmly, studying one of the reports he was holding while whistling to a song. Hee-Young chased him and grabbed his white coat into her fists, as soon as she reached him. 

"Please, please! My boyfriend is not feeling well, I need your help, right now!"

The girl screamed between a sob and the other and almost hanging by his white coat as she started to feel her knees giving up under her weight. The man, frightened by her unexpected strong grip and high-pitched voice tone, turned around and grabbed her arms to help her standing still.

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