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"He's not that far away as you think, Mr

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"He's not that far away as you think, Mr. Kang."

Mingi's voice pronounced and reached Hee-Young's ears padded from behind the door, where the girl was hiding to eavesdropping. Her eyes gaped, as her brain began to develop that piece of information she just obtained. Her worst nightmare became reality, her life just gained another meaning, a darker one, as she started looking at herself differently.

Her father was a demon, and she had his blood running in her veins, which almost started burning, after believing the bitter truth.

Hee-Young decided that what she had earwigged so far was enough to draw her conclusions and stood up, supporting herself with the door, as if she had lost the ability to stand up properly and was frightened to fall. Silently, like a speck of dust, she flew across the corridor on tiptoe and reached Yunho's room.

However, she didn't listen to the whole conversation.

"What do you mean? Do you already know who he is?"

Inquired the professor, lifting his eyebrows and gaping his eyes incredulous. A positive answer would've meant resolving the biggest curse of their lives and getting back to live normally, without worrying about demons haunting them.

Minutes full to the brim with silence characterised the answer to that question. It was true that eyes could speak and that was exactly how Jieun predicted the answer. The males before the couple were limiting themselves to looking at the teacher with worried expressions, but Yeosang didn't seem to be understanding. His wife, next to him, followed their stares and placed her eyes on the love of her life, who also eyed her confused.

Then, the light bulb switched on, inside Jieun's brain.

Her eyes slowly thrust open, almost as if they were about to pop out of their sockets and roll on the ground like two billiard balls; her hands covered her open mouth, and tears started burning at the back of her eyes.

And suddenly, everything made sense to her.

With eyes closed and hesitation in his face, Wooyoung, who for the first time appeared effortlessly in front of Yeosang, finally spoke, putting an end to the anguished couple.

"It's you, Mr. Kang. You are the father."

Finally confessed Wooyoung. The world crashed on Yeosang's shoulders, his eyes fluttered and his first thought instantly dashed to Jieun, who hadn't move an inch and seemed to have transformed into one of those marble statues.

"It can't be... It's impossible! Years have passed since my last intercourse with the Succubus, and obviously, I have never had an affair with Miss. Yoon."

Spat hurriedly Mr. Kang, making his eyes swing from the group to his wife. The woman was immobile, her brain, on the other hand, was elaborating that shock rapidly, way too quick for the rest of her body to support her whole weight. For that, Jieun started to feel weak, her limbs were heavy. The woman in the first place didn't know the reason as to why she was reacting like that, she was aware that it happened without Yeosang knowing and so she should blame him, but something at the bottom of her stomach twitched when her brain finally managed to store the news.

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