Chapter 1-A Feline Encounter, wait you look familiar (Nikki Sixx POV)

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A/N: Here it is! A new story! I just couldn't wait to publish it! Hope you guys like it!!

January 2004, Christmas is over, and a new year has come to pass. My little daughter Frankie who just turned 4 had a blast, none the wiser that her father was a complete and total fucked up mess or so I thought. Children are much more intuitive that we give them credit for and after all she always seemed to know when I needed her hugs & all the most. She is my world; she has been especially the last 4 years.

Everyone knows I've done and been thru a lot of Shit, you know dying twice due to drugs, the wild nights, the parties and of course am a founding member of the world's most notorious band: Motley Crüe. I did relationships sure if you could call them that, one-night stands, ones that lasted longer than a night but always came to a disastrous end. Men & women alike left in the wake....

All that changed when I met Frankie's mom, well so I'd thought at the time. The feeling didn't last long, she was a fucking gold, digger & so she got pregnant and left me, gave up her rights and left me with the best thing in the world: My daughter Frankie. What kind of mother or parent just abandons their child like that? Unfortunately, I know that only all too well, as my mother did the same to me, wanting nothing to do with me and don't even get me started on my "father". I was determined not to do that to my Frankie Jean and she's what really has saved me, now I had a reason to be and stay completely sober. It feels good to be sober, but still so very strange. Now since Frankie's "mom" royally screwed me over, well anytime I tried to have a relationship of any kind after, when they found out I had a child it became the kiss of death, which only seemed to reaffirm that I was meant to be lonely and that no one would treat my daughter like their own. So, no I don't date...I'm afraid too, it will only end in heartbreak and disaster...always.

Currently, I am out of the house.... Frankie, is with a babysitter and I just really needed time to myself. I find myself wandering for a bit, before finally pulling into a music store. Why the hell not? Instruments and records galore...

Walking inside, I take off my sunglasses.... I guess if people see me, they see me. I mean its part and parcel of being famous I guess, so it is what it is...well, at least that's my mood today. Whatever, fuck it. I walk around absentmindedly and of course I find the base section.... but on the way there some one runs smack into me and falls on their ass.

"Oh shit! Geez I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!", I look down at the owner of the voice and instead of getting pissed off, I find myself staring. He looks to be shorter than me, I'm guessing, long black hair and eyes that are the color of the ocean, such a clear blue.... I could drown in them...oh god no!! Bad Nikki! I manage somehow to shake myself out of my daze and help the oddly familiar stranger up.

"Ah thanks man! Again, I'm super sorry! I wasn't paying attention...and where's my drumsticks? Ah here they are!", he bends down to pick them up and smiles at me. I feel like I should know him from somewhere, those eyes are certainly familiar and that face..." Oh where are my manners? I'm Eric, Eric Singer." And Eric holds out a hand for me to shake and I tentatively take it, I'm not really a touchy feel person, but his grip is strong and his hand so warm and for some reason it makes me feel strange when he lets go.

"Eric Singer as in Kiss, right? Thought you looked familiar. I---," Eric cuts me off sheepishly...

"Oh, you look familiar too! Nikki Sixx, right? ", god those eyes of his are sparkling at me and he seems to be a regular energizer bunny, he and T-bone would get along great. "What brings you here?"

"Just wandering around really...", I trail off. No need to elaborate.

"Same here! Just killing time till soundcheck.... Kiss has a show tomorrow night. I mean we're not actually starting the tour until May, but Gene & Paul always love to do warm-up shows." Eric shrugs.

"Funnily enough I have tickets to the show, Tommy is coming with me...Tommy Lee. He & I are big Kiss fans.", I realize I'm kind of leaning into him and stop myself.

"How awesome is that?! Oh, I just had an idea! Why don't you come backstage, and you can bring him too! You guys can be my guests!", Eric eagerly exclaims practically clapping his hands together with glee. "Don't worry I'll tell the guys and let security know."

"Are you sure that's not too much trouble? You really don't have to do that!", I protest.

"No, no I insist! It's really no problem!", Eric grins widely. And I find myself smiling back, surprisingly. A phone seems it's his..." Oh crap, gotta answer, hang on!"

"Yes Gene? Yeah, yeah ok! Allright I'm coming.... keep your panties on!", Eric turns back to me and smiles apologetically. "Sorry Nikki, the big bad demon wants me to hurry my ass up." He rolls his eyes.

"What a hard-ass. So, I'll see you tomorrow then?", I hate how eager I sound...this is so unlike me!

"Sweet! I'll see you tomorrow then! ", Eric waves over his shoulder and walks off....I ignore the fluttering sensation in my chest.

A/N: Well there you have it! I hope that you guys love this! Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Much love!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now