Chapter 24- Homecoming, Tours End & Illness (Eric Singer Sixx POV)

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A/N: Some Drama in this one....hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Another month has passed, me being around 2 months pregnant now & looking a little further along than that. I still feel like complete and total shit.... I hate it! I mean I am happy to be having children, expanding mine & Nikki's family.... but my morning sickness has yet to let up. And I've been under so much stress & strain not only from being pregnant with triplets but the tour. Thank God the tour is over though....

Didn't mean things went smoothly though on tour, no not at all. I kept getting sick, had dizzy spells & had to try & muster energy I didn't have to put on a high-octane show. The worst night occurred on the very last night, which was last night....

I was in the middle of a drum solo when suddenly I fell backwards and lost consciousness. When I came to, I found myself in Nikki's arms, my husband looking beyond terrified with tears streaming down his face, and so this led to me going to the emergency room & checking on the triplets & thank God they were ok! It was just so scary! I'm still scared now...I was caught and didn't get hurt. Unfortunately, this led too to Nikki & I am having an argument when we got back to the hotel where thankfully Frankie was staying with Lee & Tommy aka TC...

"Eric, I shouldn't have let you do this! Things aren't getting better if anything they've gotten worse! You could have seriously gotten hurt; our babies could have gotten hurt! I---," I cut him off.

"You're the one who agreed to me trying to do this! Don't fucking blame me! You know I'd never purposely put my life, or our unborn babies lives in danger! I can't fucking help my morning sickness & the dizziness! I didn't ask for this!" I roared trembling and feeling tremendous guilt.

"It takes two to tango, you know!! I am scared to death! What if you'd died? Do you know how it felt to see you fall like that?! The doctor seemed reluctant to let you continue last month, I let you, because I didn't want to keep you from trying to do what you love! I should have put my foot down!". Nikki's chest is heaving and there is a catch in his voice, but all I see is red.

"Quit fucking guilt tripping me you asshole! And you 'should have put your foot down'. Seriously I am NOT a child! You don't tell me what to do!". Tears are streaming down my face.... things feel like they are falling apart.... I am falling apart.

"I just want you to be safe & healthy! I want our babies to be healthy! I'm your partner, YOUR husband! I will do whatever I have to protect you even from yourself! I— ", Once more I cut him off.... I am SO done!!

"You think that gives you the right to guilt trip me?! Know what? I'm getting out of here! I can't look at you anymore! I'm going for a walk & don't you DARE follow me! Now fuck off!!", I sob out, Nikki goes to grab my wrist to stop me...eyes red rimmed and him crying....

"Don't touch me!", I growled out jerking my wrist away as I went to try & calm down.... what the hell just happened?

Currently I am wondering the halls, Nikki did follow after me...but I outran him & just went for a walk. I roomed with Lee & TC.... I didn't tell them what happened, but they could guess, I just felt crushing guilt. Oh shit, I'm gonna get sick again!

I drop to my knees as I empty the contents of my stomach...fuck! Everything just seems fuzzy...Suddenly I feel the strong pair of arms I love & know so well carefully pick me up and take me back to our hotel room...It's Nikki...

Nikki carefully lays me down on the bed, and once I get a good look at him...He looks like he hasn't slept, and he looks so sorrowful....and he starts sobbing which gets me started....

"Eric, oh Kitten! I am SO deeply sorry for last night! I was scared, upset but not really at you.... never at you, I just want to protect you.... I am so sorry I yelled at you, God I'm sorry. And I know you wouldn't purposely hurt our children and I— ", I cut him off startling him as I crash my lips against his clutching at him as if he will vanish into thin air. When we pull apart, I bury my face in his chest...

"I love you Sixxy! I'm sorry I ran off.... I'm sorry I called you names....part of its hormones....and God, I just want to rest.... your right...", I whispered.... We both soon calm down and I drift off for a bit....

Finally, we pack up our stuff, leave & head for home sweet home....

Upon us finally arriving at home, since it's late Frankie is put to bed and I start to head up to mine and my husband's bedroom because I want to crash, but I need to eat too & I need a shower....

"Kitten, let me carry you...please. I'll bring you something to try & settle your stomach & something to eat & then I'll help give you a bath, ok?", Nikki pleads with me, but I give him a smile.

"I love you, Nikki!" and with that my husband carefully picks me up & carries me to our bedroom and lays me down on the bed making sure I am propped up by pillows.

"I love you kitten, I'll be back soon, ok? Please let me know if you need anything, just try & rest in the meantime.", Nikki stokes my cheek and I hold his hand stroking my face.

"Ok, Sixxy...I will. Love you too.", He kisses me and then leaves. Turns out I don't wait exceptionally long...I think. Fairly sure I dozed off though. Nikki has brought me water & ginger ale along with sandwiches & some soup...nothing too heavy, I only hope I can keep it down. As it turns out I manage for now to keep it down once I eat. Once I'm done eating Nikki goes to get the shower started and my heart melts, I really do have the best husband. Carefully, I strip out of my clothes and pause as I caress my little baby bump and I notice something weird; I look like I've lost some weight not around my belly but my ribs and stuff. I frown deeply. Nikki comes out & notices...

"Eric, kitten what's wrong?"

"Do I look like I've lost weight? I mean my ribs are starting to show some and stuff. I'm I doing something wrong? I mean I'm sure I'm not as big as I'm supposed to be." I am sure I'm scowling by now and my lip begins to tremble...and so I start to cry. Gently I feel Nikki tilt my face up and it seems his own eyes are filled with tears.

"Kitten you've been under so much stress & strain, and you've been so ill. But you are carrying 3 babies too, that can be making it worse as far as your symptoms go...but I promise you it will be ok. You're not doing anything wrong, ok? Now you can start to rest more.... I'm here for you, let me take care of you.", my husband whispers as he kisses me and when he pulls away, I see the worry his eyes hold and it sets me on edge. At long last both of us getting in the shower where Nikki helps bathe me, his touches gentle. I end up getting sick AGAIN in the shower...I am such a mess! Finally, all that passes & I find myself in bed drinking ginger ale and nibbling on some more sandwiches which this go-round I manage to eat a few bites and keep it down, but I can't eat much, I try for my babies sake.

I can barely hold my eyes open after all that, can hardly think straight.... I feel my self gently shifted and Nikki carefully holding me hands gently caressing my baby bump where our triplets lay...I yawn hugely...

"Kitten.... Eric please go to sleep. I've got you; I've got our babies...I've got Frankie. I love you."

At last, I finally drift off and know no more.

A/N: Oh I can't wait to hear thoughts on this!!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now