Chapter 44- A Christmas Miracle. /Awake at Last (Nikki Sixx POV)

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December 24, 2004: Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve.... meaning among other things Eric has been in a coma for 10 days now. 10 FUCKING days, he hasn't deserved this and it's even worse because its Christmas. I can't tell you how much I miss Eric, have missed Eric and how very much it kills me to see him lying here. I am currently in the room with him, just him & I and the sounds of the various machines. It has just passed 2:00 am, I had been sleeping in one of the comfy chairs or trying to, obviously I can't sleep...Anyway, not only has this been killing me, but it's also been killing Frankie as well. She is asleep, she demanded to stay with me...I didn't have the heart to tell her no.... It's the holidays, but who the hell can be cheerful right now? Certainly not me. Storm, Hope, Ruby, and Decker are doing so well and are gaining more weight. Their little hearts so strong.... just like Eric's. They've of course been brought in every day, several times a day for skin to skin with Eric and too I've held them.... I have been holding out hope for a miracle, but as the days have passed that's gotten harder.

I decide to talk to my husband, as I have been doing to somehow fill the silence. Well, the silence other than Frankie's little snores and Eric's steady breathing. Still.... The overwhelming silence. "Hey Eric.... it's just past 2am.... can't sleep. But it's Christmas Eve...Christmas, your f-favorite holiday. I imagine if you were awake, you'd be fussing over me telling me I should sleep, that I need sleep.... I— (Here a break down, take a breath & keep going), I just really miss you very much. I hate this...I hate that I've done this to you.... I-I love you and our children!" I continue in such a manner for a while until I cry myself to sleep.

Waking up later in the morning, Eric is still asleep, and Frankie wakes me by gently shaking me. I help her get dressed and cleaned and I do so myself. The guys though I tried and even demanded they spend time with their families to have Christmas, are coming.... Their support means more than I could ever say...I can't deal with this alone, I can't keep it together alone or for that matter when I'm not alone. I find Frankie and myself something for Breakfast and resume my post watching over my husband, Frankie as has become her habit takes Ocean into the bathroom and goes in there to, I guess try & get away from it all.... she goes to cry, and it breaks my heart...Eric if he would devastate him.... Lucky, she leaves the door cracked...but she refuses to come out until she's ready...even for me. Doctor's & nurses come to check on Eric and the babies will be brought by in a little while. They need to be cleaned, fed, dressed, and checked on.

"Eric...we're here for you. The guys will be by in a bit and our babies...our precious babies are being brought in to. They love you...they know you. Babe, as much as I want you to be awake...take all the time you need to need it." I squeeze his hand and lay my head down on the bed taking a deep breath when I feel something...something strange. It feels like fingers are running thru my hair...I close my eyes in delight...till my brain kicks in.... Wait! fingers? I know these fingers! Please. Please let this NOT be a dream!

My head jerks up and I hold my breath and nearly fall out of my chair...Eric is...stirring! Slowly, very slowly he tries to open his eyes. "Eric? take your time." I whisper. Still, this is a miracle!! A Christmas Miracle!

Finally, after 10 days, Eric manages to open his eyes...those beautiful blues of his. Though I see the exhaustion there, still his eyes light up upon seeing me. "N-N-Nikki.... d-don't cry...S-S-Sixxy." For tears are streaming down my face, Eric breaks into a coughing fit, and I quickly get him some water. "T-thanks...much better Sixxy. Why are you crying? Did something happen?" I cut him off before he can say more and pepper his face in kisses and kiss him on the lips taking my dear sweet time and it only makes me cry more, but in joy as he's responding back!

Sixx's Kitten (A Nikki Sixx/Eric Singer, Motley Tale of Love)Where stories live. Discover now